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< prakhar> can someone point me too the list consisting of tentative list of ideas for gsoc 2015
< zoq> Hello prakhar, note new, interesting ideas are also suitable.
< prakhar> Thanks !
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< prakhar2511> I have completed building the mlpack from source and tried the simple programs.
< prakhar2511> I was reading k-centers algorithm and wanted to discuss some of the doubts regarding its implementation.
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< naywhayare> this mailing list thread is useful for the k-centers project
< naywhayare> I guess I should link to it on the ideas page...
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< naywhayare> that's a link to a previous discussion on the k-centers algorithm
< naywhayare> (be sure to follow the replies)
< naywhayare> you'll probably want to do a pretty comprehensive literature survey to learn more about the idea for the algorithm
< prakhar2511> Thanks!
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< xAndreLopesx> Hello
< xAndreLopesx> Is there anyone online?
< naywhayare> hi, I'm here right now; some others might be too
< xAndreLopesx> Hi nay
< xAndreLopesx> im looking for a new machine learning API
< xAndreLopesx> does MLPACK implements neural networks?
< naywhayare> actually it does now, but I don't know too much about that since it's very new support
< xAndreLopesx> any link i can see the classes?
< xAndreLopesx> any link where i can see the classes*
< naywhayare> it was contributed primarily by zoq and I'm pretty sure JaraxussTong knows a bit about it too... I think he was training LeNet5 on it if I remember right
< naywhayare> yeah, hang on
< naywhayare> everything is in there, and you might find some examples of how to use it in the test file:
< naywhayare> (there are a couple test files that test the classes in there)
< naywhayare> I don't think there's a tutorial for how to use it at this moment since it was just contributed (maybe zoq knows more)
< naywhayare> since it's C++ the idea is to define all the characteristics of the network at compile time, so that it can be optimized well by the compiler
< xAndreLopesx> i see
< xAndreLopesx> well as long as it support most common neural networks
< xAndreLopesx> im fine with it :D
< naywhayare> yeah, try it out and see if it works :)
< naywhayare> and if you have problems, open an issue on github and we can figure it out :)
< xAndreLopesx> okiday
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