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<dsc_> someone claims to have broken E2EE in Matrix
<dsc_> need to wait 2 weeks for the disclosure
* dsc_ shrug
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<Wizzup> dsc_: heh
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<uvos> hmm very strange with him
<uvos> the plugin that dose the special keys on ctrl-space obv reacts to space via hims key-pluging forwarding function
<uvos> not sure why that would do anything here
<uvos> im not aware of any other code in him that handles space specially
<uvos> Wizzup: something is up with maedevu
<uvos> its been down a while, and now its back up but very slow
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<Wizzup> yeah it was down
<Wizzup> slow? hm
<Wizzup> uvos: slow how?
<Wizzup> the past two weeks weren't the best server wise, the hetzner srever just went unreachable over the night
<Wizzup> I'll probably just host it at home next week
<Wizzup> sicne there's fiber now anyway, there's no difference
<Wizzup> I see, kek is not here
<uvos> Wizzup: loading any of the pages took really long, but ping was fine
<uvos> so like it was loaded
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<uvos> its fine now however
<Wizzup> maybe it needed to load cache
<Wizzup> it's hdd backed
<uvos> could be
<Wizzup> I'm moving stuff at home to be UPS backed as well so the renovatgion won't matter as much
<uvos> ok
<Wizzup> point is the situation being in flux is almost resolved :)
<Wizzup> and phoenix/leste should have much better uplink now, not like 30Mbit/s but 1000Mbit/s
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<Wizzup> ok, the servers have 50 minutes on UPS now :)
<uvos> great
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<arno11> Wizzup: i made a PR for 8000Hz: /libcmtspeechdata/pull/6 (but need shm stuff first)
<arno11> for shm, 'enable-shm = yes' and 'shm-size-bytes = 33554432' work fine on n900 btw
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<uvos> i gues this improves call audio quality by moving up the low pass?
<uvos> just curious
<uvos> btw i have had no issues so far with shm at 8MiB
<uvos> things tested:
<uvos> calls (no changes expected ofc)
<uvos> using omp
<uvos> playing various games (open-lara, neverball, ltris, frozen bubble)
<uvos> using mpd
<uvos> using mpv
<uvos> somtimes multiple of those at a time
<uvos> so no downside i can see so far
<Wizzup> agreed, same for me
<uvos> is yours also 8MiB?
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<uvos> Wizzup: what was the default shm again?
<Wizzup> 64MB iirc
<uvos> 0 is 32MiB right?
<uvos> 64 OK
<Wizzup> I will check what it is set to for me
<Wizzup> looks like I have it set to 8MB for some time now
<Wizzup> before that, 32MB
<uvos> so i think we can just set it to 8MiB in leste config
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<uvos> maybe 16MiB if felling pessimistic
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<arno11> uvos: yes, audio quality is better :)
<uvos> nice
<uvos> i tried one call with n900 and tought it pretty terrible
<uvos> mind you that was just after we first got call audio working
<arno11> ah ok
<arno11> that's really better now
<uvos> good work on that :)
<arno11> ty :)
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<Wizzup> btw, with latest 6.6 kernel mz617 ts always probes ok
<Wizzup> arno11: thanks
<Wizzup> @ pr
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