sicelo: Hi, this is yifei from the mobian chanel ;)
is anyone here working on a PinePhonePro port already? I would like to work on it.
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yifei1: someone started. i am not sure what happened to them (probably just the usual life's issues, e.g. time constraints)
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yifei1: hang around ... Wizzup and freemangordon might remember more than i do about the pro effort
thx, is the Purism Librem5 supported? there is an almost-empty wiki page for it but no image or WIP info.
i'm working on that (very slowly)
* sicelo
there is a pic i should at least upload
take your time ;)
I also have access to a LIbrem5 but prefer to work on the PPP for now due to the existence of the keyboard case, but happy to test on the librem5.
oh, cool that you have L5 too. maybe i should accelerate my work.
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Is there any plan to rebase maemo leste on Devuan Daedalus? If I'm to create a new port perhaps I should do it on a new devuan release...
there is, but it might take a very long time. some of our stuff needs python2, which i understand doesn't exist under Daedalus.
port for chimaera :-)
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yifei1: rafael2k got it mostly working using a mobian kernel
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I think he sent a tar over at some point, I can email him about the current status
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Wizzup: neat, I think it's better we avoid repeating the same work
I can share more details sunday eve or monday