<dakedres> Hey, I'm taking a second crack at installing Maemo on my Droid4, should I go with Chimera or??
<dakedres> (First time using Maemo)
<gnarface> is there a daedalus build too?
<gnarface> i don't actually know but chimaera is probably a safe bet
<dakedres> Alright, I'll go with chimaera
<gnarface> stick around, there's experts lurking here but they're probably all doing their taxes right now
<dakedres> apparently the phone is dead anyway so I'm good to wait lol
<gnarface> heh
<gnarface> maybe it's just the battery?
<gnarface> if it's been sitting a real long time, the battery might not be able to take a charge anymore
<gnarface> a known flaw of modern battery tech
<dakedres> It's been sitting in a box for like 6 months, and I knew it was on full charge when I left it
<dakedres> I should probably order a new battery though, yeah
<gnarface> hmm, doesn't seem like too long
<gnarface> if it was already very worn maybe though...
<gnarface> or if it got turned on accidentally in there somehow?
<gnarface> anyway, just a guess
<gnarface> it's becoming an increasingly common failure state these days
<gnarface> i'm not familiar with the droid4 but for example my pinephone can't power the modem from just the charger without a working battery present in the circuit, and that prevents some distros from successfully booting (off the top of my head i don't know if maemo-leste is one of those though, sorry)
<dakedres> I'll keep that in mind because when I last tried it was reporting some kind of USB issue and no matter what I tried to do to on the host it wouldn't really change the outcome
<gnarface> hmm, exact text of the usb error you were getting might be helpful
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<dakedres> If I get it again I'll know
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<dakedres> So I'm attempting the installation
<dakedres> When I run `sudo fastboot flash mbm VRZ_XT894_9.8.2O-72_VZW-18-8_CFC.xml/allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin` I get "FAILED (remote: 'unsupported command')"
<dakedres> This is what the Droid looks like https://dakedres.sys42.net/share/20240414_214925.jpg
<dakedres> Is the "Device is LOCKED" a problem?
<dakedres> Oh wait. Just realized I forgot the sd card
<dakedres> Doesn't change the problem
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<Wizzup> hi
<Wizzup> Interesting @ failed / unsupported command
<Wizzup> (need to wake up and will think about it, uvos might have an idea too)
<Wizzup> dakedres: did you do are you using flash-droid-4-fw.sh ?
<Wizzup> err
<Wizzup> s/did you do//
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<uvos__> dakedres: could you check what fastboot verion you are useing
<uvos__> there is a range of versions with a bug in the legacy compat that breaks exactly like this with our ainchent bootloader
<uvos__> Device is LOCKED is no problem
<Wizzup> ah yeah now I remember you also told me about this...
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<sicelo> Wizzup: btw how can I troubleshoot "Network Connection error" when connecting to a wireless network
<Wizzup> I usually run wpa_cli in a terminal when I connect to debu
<Wizzup> g
<Wizzup> it will probably give you some hints
<sicelo> sure, let me see what `wpa_cli` returns
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<sicelo> mmm, maybe i was typing wrong pw? *shrug*
<Wizzup> I think can keep wpa_cli running to see debug, not see what it returns
<sicelo> the thing is ... now i'm connected :-P
<sicelo> but i'm almost 100% sure i was typing correct pw all along. and the dialog was not saying auth error or something.
<Wizzup> yeah it doesn't say that yet
<sicelo> I have the idea to configure the wifi icon in status bar to track the signal strength, thus deprecate wifi-signal-applet
<sicelo> note to self: `gdbus call -y -d com.nokia.icd2 -o /com/nokia/icd2 -m com.nokia.icd2.statistics_req` causes the signal strenght to be emitted in `statistics_sig` signal
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<uvos__> i also have icd fail to connect fairly often the first time
<uvos__> networkmanager has never ever failed to connect on the debian d4
<Wizzup> yes, this is 100% a kernel bug
<uvos__> ok
<uvos__> still somehow nm never triggers it
<Wizzup> it probably keeps trying
<Wizzup> brute force is the way around it for the most part
<uvos__> :P
<Wizzup> is in this does not happen on the pinephone, vm or n900
<Wizzup> but it does on d4, mz617, bionic, razr, etc
<Wizzup> it 'times out' associating in like 10ms or so
<Wizzup> or even less
<uvos__> ok you sure its a timout and not EBUSY or something like that?
<Wizzup> yes, the error is logged in dmesg
<uvos__> ok
<uvos__> probobly a good idea yeah
<uvos__> theres a issue tho
<uvos__> and that is that there could by any number of calls
<uvos__> so we cant change the button
<uvos__> since there could be another call in the list
<uvos__> but we could still indicate it better somehow
<uvos__> (the active call window is actually a list of calls where you can select any of the calls in the list to act on with the buttons below)
<Wizzup> the calls can't be active at the same time though, the others have to be on hold
<sicelo> if needed, can look at how Android, Fremantle, or Harmattan handles those
<Wizzup> fremantle does it through on hold and notification bars
<uvos__> they absolutly can be active at the same time
<uvos__> sphone has no problems with there being multiple modems
<uvos__> or a ip call and another ip call
<Wizzup> I mean how does this work in practice
<sicelo> Wizzup: you need to have 10 ears :p
<Wizzup> you have only one mouth and two ears yeah
<Wizzup> Well I suppose for siamese twins it might work
<uvos__> i mean no backend dose this atm but it would be cool to have a multiparty call like this with a ip person and a modem person
<uvos__> just mix the audio
<uvos__> regardless you can directly hangup a held call
<uvos__> so you cant remove the hangup button ever really
<sicelo> sure. just changing the text when there are no remaining calls will be enough :-)
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<sicelo> i think when there are still calls in the queue, there will be some indication, and it will be obvious to the user. the issue is when there's no call at all, and the window lingers. i understand why the lingering is good
<sicelo> i also opened https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/728 for the contact shortcut
<sicelo> not sure about creating issues for the other 3 issues - (1) d4: touchscreen during calls, (2) mic occassionally not working [tp/vcm related?], and (3) contact name resolution not working (vcm)
<Wizzup> ty!
<Wizzup> I will switch my test sim to a d4 (from n900) and see
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<uvos__> (3) contact name resolution not working (vcm)
<uvos__> cant possibly work because atm there is no way for a backend to inform sphone about what vcard field to associate with a given call
<uvos__> so sphone cant figure out how to lookup the contact
<uvos__> it only works for ofono because i hardcoded the vcard field for that
<uvos__> this needs new sphone <-> module api
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<sicelo> 11:51 < sicelo> note to self: `gdbus call -y -d com.nokia.icd2 -o /com/nokia/icd2 -m com.nokia.icd2.statistics_req` causes the signal strenght to be emitted in `statistics_sig` signal
<sicelo> mmm, the strength seems to always be level 4 :-/
<sicelo> those using wifi-signal-applet -- does the number really change there (in Leste, that is)?
* sicelo installs it
<sicelo> at least going by https://maemo-leste.github.io/images/n900-wifi-applet.png, it does change. weird. i'm getting 4 nearly everywhere, whether i'm close or far from the AP
<uvos__> sicelo: i get various values
<uvos__> its 2 right now
<uvos__> maybe its not terribly well distributed on d4 because it assumes the snr values that n900 spits out
<uvos__> and d4 reports slightly higher or something
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<LeePen> Wizzup: I have partially tracked down the N900 failure to recognise <ENTER> after ssh:
<LeePen> On the N900 the <ENTER> key produces ^M, as expected
<LeePen> But when I ssh elsewhere the same key produces ^[0M.
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<LeePen> I can bindkey that in the remote shell and all works.
<LeePen> But ^[0M is a surprise. Do you know where it comes from?
<PPK> Have anybody noticed that osso-xterm support Maemo 4 hardkeys shortcuts: F4 - menu, F6 - full screen...sadly arrow keys and select (retrun) on menus is not supported on Leste.
<PPK> Is this the latest Maemo UI Style Guide version 2.2? Or should it be update for Leste and bring back Maemo 4 stuff?
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<sicelo> LeePen: regarding ^[0M ... i would start with `evtest` to see what the kernel sends
<sicelo> then xev, to see what X11's view is. also have a look at the xkb config for N900
<LeePen> sicelo: evtest shows code 28 (KEY_ENTER), value 1
<LeePen> xev keycode 36 (keysim 0xff8d, KP_Enter)
<sicelo> uvos: Wizzup: ok i got 8 on a different network
<sicelo> LeePen: sounds sane to me
<LeePen> In osso-xterm ctrl-v <ENTER> produces ^M, as expected
<LeePen> ssh to another system and ctrl-v <ENTER> produced ^[0M
<sicelo> maybe the env? e.g. terminal?
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<sicelo> anyone ever noticed if there's any difference in power usage when wifi-signal-applet is installed vs. when it's not? asking because the applet, by default, checks strength every 2 seconds
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<dakedres> dakedres: could you check what fastboot verion you are useing
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<dakedres> fastboot version 33.0.3-debian
<dakedres> Installed as /usr/lib/android-sdk/platform-tools/fastboot
<dakedres> oops I meant to reply to uvos__
<dakedres> What version of fastboot do I need
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<uvos> dakedres: hmm ok
<uvos> no that should be fine
<dakedres> When you update android, does it update the bootloader to any degree?
<dakedres> I haven't updated it because I'm already on Kernel ver. 3.0.8
<uvos> i dont think its the bootloader
<uvos> yes in the past there where some updates to mbm served via android update
<uvos> but 3.0.8 contains the final version anyhow
<uvos> we all use this one
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<dakedres> I updated android and the command runs now
<dakedres> To be fair, I didn't try just running the command today--Could've been some other variable
<Wizzup> LeePen: the n900 enter issue is both very old and new, in the sense that way back on fremantle this was also an issue
<Wizzup> I think it might depend on the settings of the server that you log into
<dakedres> I got another 'unsupported command' issue attempting to run bspw, I adjusted the micro usb plug and tried again, and it ran lol
<dakedres> Errored though:
<dakedres> Writing 'bspw' (bootloader) no such partition
<dakedres> FAILED (remote: '')
<dakedres> nm i typoed
<dakedres> inconsolable
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<dakedres> Maemo installed :)
<Wizzup> great
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<dakedres> How do y'all usually get files to and from your Maemo device?
<dakedres> I saw the Mass storage/PC Suite mode, but neither seems to work (I confirmed the computer I'm connecting to can do MTP if that's what "Mass Storage mode" means)
<gnarface> mass storage mode should just make it show up as a regular USB block device
<Wizzup> I use the pc suite mode with usbnet
<gnarface> shouldn't need MTP as far as i know, just USB disk support and the driver for whatever filesystem you're using
<Wizzup> so I ssh/scp
<Wizzup> right now the mass storage mode doesn't work yet, we need to figure out how to do it in such a way that it makes sense for the various devices that we support
<Wizzup> you could use sshfs over usbnet
<dakedres> Ok yeah it doesn't seem like it was working lol
<Wizzup> sorry, we're still working on documentation for many of these things
<Wizzup> I'll be around again tomororw, I need to get some rest :)
<dakedres> Yeah I get a notif about an ethernet connection when I use PC Suite so that seems to be working if I can ssh
<dakedres> ah yeah
<dakedres> The timezones are funny cuz y'all seem to be like. Completely opposite of me lol
<Wizzup> depends where you are I guess, but I also tend to travel around some
<dakedres> Ohh very nice wiki page
<dakedres> ty
<Wizzup> it's 22:45 here atm
<Wizzup> 23:45*
<dakedres> 15:44
<Wizzup> Oh so you're like to the west of the US west coast or something?
<dakedres> I think you meant to say east of the west coast, yeah I'm in Utah
<Wizzup> oh yeah righ
<Wizzup> sorry it's late here :D
<dakedres> yeah haha
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<sicelo> so it seems there really is something about the reported wifi signal strength: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/730
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