yifei1: I'll see if I can start my pinephonepro tomorrow
I should have the tar somewhere
iirc the remaining problem was that the hdmi port was being seen as connected and somehow used as output/display
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lost ability to do SMS and reply to SMS
both sphone new SMS and SMS history crash when trying to open
i can bring up the conversations SMS and see the message but unable to reply cannot type into the message field
keyboard does not activate, on a pinephone
deb leste chimaera-devel main contrib non-free lima pinephone
recently did a update and upgrade
I'll see if I can figure out tomorrow why the rtcom db reset would be necessary for conversations/ring to work
I don't know why sphone would crash though, but it's currently known that tp-ring + conversations somehow doesn't work with older sphone rtcom db, even though nothing changed in the format
I think it probably messes up the group by statement in conversations because sphone doesn't log that according to fremantle spec in its internal logging
okay many thanks for looking into this
for now I think you can 'fix' it by moving the rtcom-el-v1.db elsewhere
and then restarting
I'll give that a try, thanks
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for Qt7 they ought to nuke how tables work imo
needs a much simpler API
99% of the times you just want to display some data and not care about roles and whatever else insane boilerplate you need to do when working with tables :P
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"oh you want to insert a row? First use beginInsertRows(), then find out the index where you want to insert it (QModelIndex is akward), oh wait beforehand you need to know how many rows you'll be inserting, then maybe call ->invalidate() on the TableProxy, or not, who knows
perhaps the author tried his best to make it as confusing as possible. only logical conclusion I have
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in any case I think this is in the rtcom query
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that rant was actually meant for the Qt dev chat - wrong window. But regardless, its good you are all aware of my struggles :P
Wizzup: moved el-v1.db to tmp and restarted, no change
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_Gary: restarted means rebooted, right?
ok, I will have to try it on the pinephone then