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riktw: nice post, I will enjoy reading that!
absolutely, an FPGA is like a huge lab in a tiny box!
josuah: Yeah, and the tang nano is nice and small, I love my digilent arty but those tiny board sure have their charm. Hopefully the FOSS toolchain will sometime be mature enough to use for stuff like Litex.
that is some work around apicula and there is now amaranth supporing it very recently
(or maybe still underway)
It took me a bit of while to understand the interest in having boards with a bit of things onto it, like an ethernet connector, or a hardoded I2C bus.
but I also appreciate when board vendors do *not* put an 7-segment display, DIP switches, buttons, 16 LEDs, solder jumper everywhere to turn that off, and a board as large as a laptop :)