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<mmind00> dsimic: that was quick ;-) ... the naming was actually hard for me, because all the other board have their suffix directly after the number, so rock-5-itx somehow felt wrong, but I'm also not that set on the current naming
<diederik> Naming things is always hard ;)
<dsimic> thanks for the patches! :)
<dsimic> the name of this board deviates from the standard Radxa naming scheme, which is something like "ROCK <number><letter>"
<dsimic> thus, "rock-5a" if fine, but it should be "rock-5-itx", simply because there's a space between "5" and "ITX" in "ROCK 5 ITX"
<dsimic> oops... s/if fine/is fine/
<mmind00> dsimic: I won't fight you on this :-D ... also thanks for doing that explanation with the why for the naming in the dts patch
<mmind00> that board will become the new heart of my boardfarm :-)
<dsimic> it's a really nice board :)
<dsimic> is your board a developer sample? what's the size of the soldered eMMC chip?
<dsimic> also, if it's a developer sample, how much RAM is on the board?
<mmind00> 8GB
<mmind00> for both emmc and ddr
<mmind00> it comes from Radxa but isn't a sample I think?
<dsimic> developer samples should have 32 GB eMMC chips, while the regular ones should have 8 GB -- AFAIK
* mmind00 is running his boardfarm on a raid1-array of sata hdds ;-)
<dsimic> nice :)
<dsimic> I'll see to test your patches on my sample board, but I still need to get myself a heatsink :)
<mmind00> and in recent times, the rk3399-firefly I am using has developed real pcie probe issues
<dsimic> it came with a 32 GB eMMC chip and a total of 16 GB of RAM, which qualifies it as a developer sample
<mmind00> it's really cool to see the OPPs in action ... fan also spinning down nicely after boot
<dsimic> hmm, what kind of issues?
<dsimic> seeing fans spin up and down is a thing of beauty, IMHO :)
<mmind00> that whole serror thing the rk3399 has with pcie
<dsimic> hmm, does the one-second delay help?
<dsimic> those patches are still out-of-tree patches
<mmind00> I tried that at some point, but it didn't help ... starting my boardfarm currently feels like starting a motorcycle with a kickstart mechanism ;-)
<dsimic> what PCIe card are you using in your rk3399-firefly?
<dsimic> IIUC, the PCIe probing issue is intermittent on your rk3399-firefly?
<mmind00> back then they had such an m.2 -> 2*sata+power adapter as accessory
<dsimic> ah, so a SATA controller in form of an M.2 card
<mmind00> and yes, it happens most days and after 2-5 times of cutting power it will come up
<dsimic> intermittent issues are the worst :(
<mmind00> ... is the card ... sorry didn't find a non-aliexpress link ;-)
<dsimic> yup. a PCIe SATA controller in form of an M.2 card
<mmind00> yeah and so I just decided to upgrade ... the rock 5 itx also brings that hdmi-rx ... for hdmi output capture hopefully later on
<dsimic> yes, that will be neat at some point :)
<dsimic> the EVB and the QuartzPro64 also have HDMI inputs :)
<mmind00> but no itx form factor ... my central unit resides in a nice 19in rackmount case
<mmind00> which makes that radxa board so very lovely
<dsimic> I keep thinking about the one-second delay patch... this is a good example that shows it isn't the right solution
<mmind00> yeah, the proposed real solution was to catch that error in tf-a like some other arches already do
<dsimic> yes, the ITX form-factor is really nice
<dsimic> what cooler are you using with it?
<mmind00> Radxa sent one with the board
<dsimic> nice, I wonder what it looks like... any pictures? :)
* mmind00 is searching
* diederik thinks the ITX board is the first actually usable (=non-toy) product
<dsimic> still waiting fo it to arrive :)
<dsimic> IDK, it's all basically the same hardware, so other boards aren't exactly toys, :) but the ITX form-factor does have its benefits
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<mmind00> and I really like that it's low enough to fit in my 1u case
<dsimic> ^^^ looking nice
<dsimic> it also comes with the backplate, which is very good
<dsimic> the SST-NT07-115X I ordered is also quite slim... hey, we'll be able to compare the efficiency of different cooling setups :)
<mmind00> and the fan also is really quiet when the not spinning on full load
<dsimic> the downdraft design also cools the eMMC and DRAM a bit, which is also a plus
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