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<naoki> do we need rockchip cpufreq driver for rk3588? or everything for cpufreq is merged now?
<naoki> ah, 1-4/8 were merged
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<Danct12> continuing the usb otg/host saga, here's a interesting discovery i made
<Danct12> it turns out it only works with a certain combination
<Danct12> if i connect a usb keyboard receiver to the usb-a adapter then plug it to the usb-otg port, it works and shows up on linux
<Danct12> but if i connect a usb capture card to the same adapter, it doesn't show up on linux
<Danct12> however if i swap the usb keyboard receiver with a usb capture card without unplugging the usb-a adapter, it shows up just fine
<Danct12> plugging the usb-a adapter with nothing attached to it also doesn't work
<Danct12> none of the usb docks doesn't work at all
<Danct12> s/doesn't//
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