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<naoki> hmm, my ROCK 3A doesn't detect microSD card... this should not be "cd-gpios" thing...
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<naoki> Kwiboo: I noticed rk3566-radxa-zero-3 is not "mmc0 is eMMC, mmc1 is microSD". I can understand what you made, I'm thinking I should fix it...
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<qschulz> Kwiboo: I see you're still hunting boot time improvement on RK3399. As a hint, BL31 takes 2s for me on our Puma board. There's probably something we could improve there?
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<qschulz> Kwiboo: oof... -u in fdtgrep doesn't add the property to the parent node, it just shows the parent node. This means it isn't helpful for adding recursively bootph-some-ram to parent nodes :/
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<Kwiboo> qschulz: ahh, that is a bummer, I think I made the pinctrl recursive check in u-boot code initially because trying to understand and fix/change it in fdtgrep seemed to be much more work ;-)
<Kwiboo> qschulz: i have rough commits to make some optimizations at, the time consuming job remaining is doing speed test and see what diffrance each change make
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<naoki> (...mmc alias is a bug, it needs to be fixed...)