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<naoki> about spi-max-frequency, if SPI flash chip may vary on same board, possible lowest frequency should be specified?
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<mmind00> naoki: probably
<Daanct12> yo, does anyone here got usb otg to work on rk356x? this is a usb tcpci device
<Daanct12> i've checked that the usb role automatically switches to host after plugging in the dock, the dock gets power (tested with usb power meter) and there's no usb phy init error in dmesg
<Daanct12> the usb type-c driver doesn't report any errors
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<Daanct12> i did confirm that usb gadget mode works (tested with g_serial)
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<naoki> hmm? I'm testing ZERO 3E, I got Cannot attach to PHY
<naoki> same on ROCK 3C. I'm using generic u-boot, is it phy reset issue?
<naoki> I forgot detail lol
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<Danct12> naoki, interesting, which uboot version?
<Danct12> for me, testing on linux gives you new usb devices (as it become a usb host port), but anything plugged to it doesn't show up on the device
<Danct12> s/you/me/
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<naoki> sorry, I'm talking about ethernet, not usb
<naoki> using otg port as host, you need to set dr_mode = "host"
<Danct12> oh sorry.
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<naoki> mmmmmmm
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<naoki> I will cry if there is "with eMMC" version in future ;_;
<naoki> mmind00: aaaaaaaah... I forgot to add --in-reply-to= in v2 ;_; sorry...
<mmind00> naoki: nope ... as I said before, new versions should start new mail threads
<naoki> ah
<naoki> I'm noob
<mmind00> naoki: but you forgot the v2 in [PATCH v2] ;-)
<naoki> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
<mmind00> naoki: no worries .. we'll cope :-)
<naoki> really thank you
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<naoki> I'll send some patches for a while, I'm sorry if I will bother you...
<mmind00> naoki: hehe ... really ... don't worry too much :-)
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<naoki> oops, syntax error in v2 ;)
<naoki> my brain is almost dead...
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