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<rah> anyone know if there's u-boot source for the rk3576 available yet?
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<Kwiboo> rah: vendor u-boot from have commits that references rk3576
<naoki> hmm... is there any requirement to use as boot disk/partition (extlinux.conf, kernel, etc)? I'm trying to use USB memory to test some kernels on it but upstream u-boot doesn't boot from it... I can see files with "ls" command on u-boot
<qschulz> naoki: I believe the partition holding the extlinux.conf needs to be marked as bootable
<naoki> ah...
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<naoki> Attribute flags: 0000000000000000 hmm??
<naoki> (checked working disk)
<naoki> GUID?
<naoki> Known attributes are:
<naoki> 2: legacy BIOS bootable
<naoki> oh I didn't know this attribute is for legacy
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<naoki> ah it works now... I don't know why... I guess silly mistake...
<rah> Kwiboo: ah interesting, cheers
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<mps_> naoki: I tried to conclude what is needed to detect partition with extlinux.conf but yet didn't found. looks like it depends on boot ROM of the SoC/SBC
<mps_> some use 'legacy flag' some partition type GUID and some are smart to find it without these
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<naoki> mps_: what I need was just single linux partition (this time, GPT) with /boot... (I put SPL and u-boot on SPI)
<mps_> naoki: don't know for your board but usually you can set search path for extlinux.conf in u-boot variable and save this settings to flash
<naoki> I'm trying rock-5b for now
<naoki> no need to tweak u-boot env
<naoki> it can detected automatically while u-boot autoboot
<naoki> now I'm trying to put userland (ubuntu 24.04) to USB-SDD too (I'm doing same for riscv)
<urja> IIRC upstream u-boots default "distro boot" just looked for the extlinux conf on the first partition of every disk it found but it has been a while since i looked at it
<naoki> I noticed ubuntu 24.04 stock kernel (6.8) doesn't support USB on rock-5b, so I'm building linux-next for both riscv/mars and arm64/rock-5b ;)
<mps_> urja: hm, looks like this doesn't work on my (very) old lamobo R1, I have to set 'legacy boot' for partition
<urja> hmmmmmmm
<urja> i could remember wrong and/or it might have changed, both after and before the 2019-ish u-boot i'm using on my C201
<mps_> hm hm hm, could be because lamobo R1 could read only msdos and not gpt partition table
<urja> yeah i use GPT tables on my microSD cards (because ChromeOS lol)
<urja> i mean, i no longer would need on this one, but i keep them compatible so i can test on the another C201 that has stock fw
<naoki> (oh I forgot to prepare fstab and netplan...)
<mps_> yes, gpt works fine with u-boot on my two (old) chromebooks
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