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<naoki> Kwiboo: about ROCK 5B, upper USB3 port is not working :(
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<naoki> ah, it's peripheral port?
<naoki> mmm confusing...
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<naoki> USB30_2 is not working?
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<CounterPillow> Oscilloscope time, see if it's completely dead or if the signal is just so bad it's not working right
<CounterPillow> Or the controller driver messes up and while the signal is good, the protocol isn't
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<naoki> I think USB30_2 was worked at some time ago
<Daanct12> anyone here worked with tcpci? the husb311 driver seems to always fail to register port
<Daanct12> no idea how to debug that
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<Kwiboo> naoki: yes, if I remember correctly one of the usb ports on rock 5b was changed from dr_mode=host to dr_mode=otg when syncing with latest merged DT from upstream linux, and for u-boot this means it will only work in peripheral mode
<Kwiboo> ums and rockusb cmd was working on that port if I am not mistaken
<naoki> USB30_2, usb_host2_xhci dr_mode is "host"
<naoki> I think ums and rockusb command will work on the port which is currently working as a host...
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<naoki> Kwiboo: about ROCK 3B patch, usb_host0_xhci is not "host". I think all other ROCK 3/4/5 (except 3E/3W) use OTG port as HOST mode
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