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<narmstrong> f_[xmpp]: no idea, but there’s some newer boards (non gxbb) that uses lpddr & ddr4
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<f_> hi all
<f_> narmstrong: Sure, thanks!
<f_> So I guess we don't need LPDDR init at all if we don't even know if some gxbb boards even had LPDDR
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<f_> Seriously though, a lot of their code remained unchanged
<f_> A lot of ddr_init_dmc remained unchanged.
<f_> Yes, working on DDR init.
<f_> I have ghidra and the old sources opened
<f_> Yes I'm writing DDR init.
<narmstrong> it's quite funny but also expected
<f_> Yeah (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<f_> At least they should've been obfuscating their code ,but they didn't.
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<f_> so easy
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<f_> Finished writing DMC init
<f_> One function down, .....three/four more to go!
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<f_> Also hardcoding stuff..will try setting up FCONF and device trees later.
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<f_> Ok
<f_> Done PLL init
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<f_> BTW
<f_> The fact that I'm done writing functions doesn't mean they'll work :P
<f_> I'm 100% sure none of what I wrote will work the first time :P
<f_> Also most stuff is hardcoded! :P
<f_> 2 functions down, 2 more to go!
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<narmstrong> Imagine it works directly, it would be great success!
<f_> Indeed!
<f_> =)
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