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<f_> Still working on ACSBaby
<f_> Will push now
<f_> It can parse the ACS footer. The rest can be worked on later.
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<f_> Oh look!
<f_> I can analyse my eMMC backup (if I set the right offset)
<f_> Example output!
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<f_> narmstrong: ^
<f_> BTW: the `-t u-boot` isn't needed. If you don't specify the image type it will try to find it automatically (by e.g. looking for an "@AML" header (=> u-boot.bin), the "Built :" string at the top (=> acs.bin))
<f_> (and otherwise assume it's a BL2)
<f_> Works quite well enough. If it can't find the right image type you can force it to think it's e.g. a U-Boot binary.
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<f_> Aaand it can generate C files as well!
<f_> Will push
<f_> There
<f_> narmstrong: Want to test on random binaries?
<narmstrong> f_: nice :-) is it for gxbb only ?
<f_> No idea
<f_> Might work on other non-gxbb ACS binaries.
<f_> narmstrong: Does it work? =)
<narmstrong> if you want some binaries of all u-boot mainline supported boards ==>
<narmstrong> help yoursefl!
<f_> Thanks a lot!
<f_> But for U-Boot binaries you do need to specify the offset
<f_> Else it defaults to 0xa4e0, and prints a warning.
<f_> (which happens to be the offset where it's found on a U-Boot p201 binary)
<f_> I mostly tested on a p201 U-Boot binary, but I also tested on my KII Pro eMMC backup and it seems to work fine there as well.
<f_> Let's test a non-gxbb board!
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<f_> Oh
<f_> The offset seems to differ even on acs.bin binaries..
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<f_> But still! I can specify the offset with -o!
<f_> With the right offset it seems to work as well!
<narmstrong> cool!
<f_> That's with the WeTek Core2 acs.bin
<f_> And it works with the Beelink GT1 acs.bin as well!
<f_> So it does work on non-gxbb boards.
<f_> narmstrong: And try with `-f c`!
<f_> that's with a p201 acs.bin
<f_> I get the same output with the WeTek Core2 acs.bin
<f_> *Play2
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<narmstrong> I don't think they changed the ACS format
<f_> Me either.
<f_> But now I can try to dump all C structures defined!
<f_> The addresses in memory actually point to `struct`s!
<f_> And when reading in a hex dump I can actually see meaningful data!
<f_> So, all that to say: this is going to be easy.
<narmstrong> I hope it will be!
<f_> What's going to be hard, is writing code in a clean way
<f_> But the actual logic is going to be easy
<f_> Just read the bytes, copy in a struct, call it a day, repeat.
<f_> The size will vary though
<f_> Also took the time to copy-paste Amlogic's timing.h file and clean it up.
<f_> I won't treat `char`s as integers like Amlogic.
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<f_> Let's not talk until appservice-IRC undies.
<f_> ;)
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<f_> At least one survived.
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<f_> Another one
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<f_> 2 more!!
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<f11f12> f_: I have a partial ACS parser
<f11f12> so far only used for g12a/g12b
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<f_> Oh really?
<f_> Can I take a look at it?
<f11f12> of course.
<f_> Thanks a lot!
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