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<minute> xdarklight: unfortunately the fix does not work, still gets skb_panic
<minute> xdarklight: re your question, the output is chip aggregation limit: 255, host controller limit: 12
<minute> it works with a lower number of pages, like 6
<minute> also works with 7, but not with 11
<minute> 10 also too much
<minute> ok, 7 is the limit
<minute> 6 works without problems.
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<xdarklight> minute: thanks, that info is enough for me to confirm that I don't actually understand the BIT_RXDMA_AGG_PG_TH register :-) I'll ask Ping-Ke about it during the weekend. can you PM me your email address so I can Cc you?
<minute> xdarklight: my email is
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<luka177> Hi! What is the status of video decoder on g12/sm1? And I kinda wonder how is s4 going, for me it seems even downstream kernel do reuse some of the g12 drivers. For sure stuff like pinctr and clock will differ, but some stuff can be reused on mainline too IG?
<phh> yeah downstream 5.15 kernel (probably also 5.4) clearly copy/pasted mainline's g12 driver
<luka177> Ah lol those are from mainline? Didn't really have a look at them just did check dts
<phh> i stumbled on some comments in downstream s905x4 clk driver that didn't belong to s905x4 (can't remember what precisely)
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<luka177> Ah x4 is a thing already too? I just got a bunch of random Chinese TV boxes (yep ram is oftenly slow there, and cooling is bad but extra radiator solves 2nd) and was interested to see how well will Linux run there. My first target was allwinner h616 that had suprisinly decent support in mainline, and after playing with DT and a lot of struggling with bcm WiFi it is mostly working. But now decided to give s905y4 a try :D
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<phh> afaik x4 and y4 are pretty much identical except for pcie/usb3 and ethernet
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