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<f_> some progress: I'm generating function IDs for use with Ghidra.
<f_> That'll make reverse-engineering wayyy easier I think
<f_> Once I'm done I'll push those somewhere
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<f_> Let's start!
<f_> So I have Ghidra opened, with the binary, and I have the old sources!
<f_> I'm already starting to reconstitute the codebase. Doesn't look like too much has changed. For example, the sdio_read_blocks function stayed identical according to Ghidra's decompiler.
<f_> Well..almost identical.
<f_> So yeah, I'm reverse-engineering bl2.bin!
<f_> Fortunately most functions are close enough to their old counterparts, so I can name them.
<f_> aand we're starting to see pll code!
<f_> Might host Ghidra project files somewhere
<f_> OOOOOOooooooooOOOoooOOooOOoooOOOoo we hit into new code!!
<f_> Seems like they added LPDDR init.
<f_> serial_puts((byte *)(s_LPDDR_init_fail,_reset..._d900933c + 2));
<f_> That's what I suddently see.
<f_> And grepping for this returns absolutely nothing.
<f_> More More More!!!
<f_> serial_puts((byte *)s_New_fip_structure!_d9009484);
<f_> Seems like they also implemented a new FIP structure!
<f_> And implemented some sort of...restrictions?
<f_> serial_puts((byte *)s__ERROR!_Customer_ID_not_match!_d9009570);
<f_> So yeah, they added LPDDR support...
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<f_> Gotta go. Cya.
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