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<rockosov_> narmstrong: Greetings Neil! I hope you're doing great today. Could you please advise me on the optimal timing for submitting changes to A1 dts that involve clock drivers and other related components. Specifically, I'm curious if it's necessary to hold off and wait for the 6.5 release with clock drivers in the stable tree before sending patches, or if it's acceptable to send them now.
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<rockosov_> I'm back, sorry
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<narmstrong> rockosov_: if jbrunet can provide me an immutable branch with the clocks bindings, then I can merge the DT with clocks
<rockosov_> narmstrong: If I understand correctly, I can submit all the changes presently, and their processing will be contingent on the state of the clock drivers branch. It's fine, I am content with this arrangement and will try to send them today
<narmstrong> rockosov_: sure
<rockosov_> narmstrong: Thank you!
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