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<natris1979[m]> humm, haven't heard of phosh
<natris1979[m]> looks cool, but overall I want a thing that acts like a desktop with a tiling window manager and stuff when hooked up to a full mouse and keyboard but is still usable comfortably when in tablet mode. Phosh seems like it'd still act like a phone all the time
<jason123onirc> you can join the channel over at and ask about phosh on tablets. Danct makes arch for pinephone / pinetab and has some pkgbuilds for phosh
<natris1979[m]> oh sweet, I'll probably do that when I get back to that project
<jason123onirc> yeah and sxmo might also work
<natris1979[m]> yeah, that has the most appeal. If I had a pinephone I'd totally be using sxmo
<jason123onirc> sxmo is the fastest on the pinephone
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<bibliocar_> oh, nice about the kernel. I've built it under the original os, but have yet to try doing so with llvm or anything on kiss. I figured I'd see what my userland needs before pruning features in the config.
<bibliocar_> might not have to make it so minimal if I don't have to compile it.
<bibliocar_> oh right repo, that's sources.
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<dilyn> lmfao
<jedavies> What are you doing there?
<dilyn> *whistle* nothin
<natris1979[m]> Hmm. Sounds like a wonderful random obfuscated link to click on /s
<jedavies> But is m4 looking for gnulibc?
<jedavies> Or this is a custom deb you built?
<dilyn> it's a kiss package wrapped as a deb
<jedavies> should I ask the question...
<natris1979[m]> Just blew my mind a bit with that one
<natris1979[m]> I'll bite. Why?
<natris1979[m]> Also I'll retract my sarcasm above after registering who posted that link
<dilyn> was talking with a coworker about s6, minimalism, KISS, etc; said they'd try KISS if they could use apt
<dilyn> so I decided to package apt
<dilyn> obviously can't use the official repositories unless you want to use an ubuntu system, but...
<dilyn> now I just have to come up with some way of automating the whole repo system :X
<natris1979[m]> Sounds fun
<natris1979[m]> s6 is one of the main reasons I started playing with kiss. I've been trying to understand at a code level how more unix programs work and I can't even fully comprehend systemd as a user. I'm usually just copy pastaing stuff from archwiki without any real understanding
<dilyn> yeah some parts of systemd are pretty straightforward, but so much of it is ~mind boggling~
<soliwilos> I went from openrc to runit to s6 on gentoo and eventually came across kiss, which was much easier to use with s6.
<soliwilos> Still have gentoo on other machines, but I've kept kiss on my laptop.
<soliwilos> s6 is more to chew on than runit, but it's a better design I think.
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<natris1979[m]> I used Gentoo years and years ago when computers were much slower. Build times were so long back then. And at one point something went wrong and I couldn't comprehend it and I was like "well, I guess I'm done with this".
<natris1979[m]> Kiss seems simple enough I could figure things out if something went wrong. That and a decade and a half of programming and administration probably help weather the storm. For instance I've successfully done 3 unrelated kernel builds successfully. Something I never could have pulled off back in the day
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<bujeddhazeus> Gentoo is pretty powerful
<bujeddhazeus> I still haven't tried kisslinux but it does seem attractive
<bujeddhazeus> I'd be curious to know how firefox is running without X11 dependencies... I still haven't gotten it to work
<soliwilos> It builds and works here, firefox from repo/extra with no X11.
<bujeddhazeus> soliwilos: could you maybe share relevant environment variables please?
<bujeddhazeus> soliwilos: I'm trying to port the work to gentoo...
<bujeddhazeus> I had a patch just like Dylan's, which I got working for ff89 in June. So I worked on updating it after Dylan's patch didn't work in my gentoo install and the only difference is I keep dbus
<bujeddhazeus> jedavies: yeah it does this:
<bujeddhazeus> Both my patch and his.
<soliwilos> I've never tried to build the kiss firefox on gentoo.
<bujeddhazeus> Ok
<bujeddhazeus> Well I got it to build, not run
<soliwilos> Are you only trying on gentoo, or does it fail for you on kiss as well?
<bujeddhazeus> I haven't tried in kiss
<bujeddhazeus> I'm curious to see what the differences are
<bujeddhazeus> Aside from trying to use dbus
<bujeddhazeus> But that's apparently only for popup windows
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<soliwilos> I'd have assumed it would run if it built, seems weird.
<soliwilos> Looks like it's trying to use the wayland backend as well.
<bujeddhazeus> Yep
<soliwilos> I'm setting GDK_BACKEND=wayland and MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 for firefox here.
<bujeddhazeus> soliwilos: still the same error
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<soliwilos> If you build it without the patch it works?
<bujeddhazeus> soliwilos: yeah
<bujeddhazeus> But then I have X11 dependencies
<soliwilos> bujeddhazeus: What about firefox's dependencies which can be built with or without X, are they built with X disabled? E.g. gtk?
<bujeddhazeus> soliwilos: yes
<bujeddhazeus> soliwilos: if you want to see some (probably useless) backtraces I have some
<soliwilos> bujeddhazeus: It's an unlikely fix, but have you tried to start firefox with --no-remote? It at least used to be a problem for some firefox wayland builds on other distro's.
<bujeddhazeus> Doesn't help
<bujeddhazeus> soliwilos: I think I'm maybe missing gsettings-desktop-schemas... might be part of the issue
<bujeddhazeus> That's all I can think of
<soliwilos> bujeddhazeus: Is WAYLAND_DISPLAY set to something?
<bujeddhazeus> Yes, wayland-1
<natris1979[m]> Do Wayland-only apps work for you?
<soliwilos> bujeddhazeus: gsettings-desktop-schemas is in gentoo's repo.
<bujeddhazeus> natris1979: yeah, wofi is working (gtk3 as well)
<bujeddhazeus> soliwilos: yeah it's just not installed
<bujeddhazeus> One second I'm going to test something