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jeeves4ever[m] has joined #glasgow
Mine just got in this morning. Is there an explanation somewhere for `mode pins-int is broken on device revision C3` ? I can see it in 3 places on the Discord but it's unclear what the reference means for selftest
SnoopJ has joined #glasgow
it just means you will get false positives if you run the test - they're nothing to be concerned about
I don't remember the details of why it fails, but iirc it's related to the level shifters(?)
stary2001[m] has joined #glasgow
that specific test doesn't work on all revC3 devices
looking at the code it actually seems to be "all revC*" (`if device.revision >= "C0":`)
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Jarrett[m] has joined #glasgow
if it keeps coming up, it feels like the error message should be clarified / changed to something a little less scary
yeah, I was wondering about that too
theorbtwo[m] has joined #glasgow
"cannot run mode pins-int on rev C devices, skipping"?
Oh, better, "mode {mode} is unavailable on revision C devices". (While the test will catch rev D, etc, too, I assume that's because they don't exist yet?)