dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.19.0 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<krobelus> I wonder how to query for OSC 52 paste support, it seems like some client implementations use a timeout instead (to fail gracefully if a terminal doesn't support it)
<dnkl> check the Ms terminfo capability?
<krobelus> dnkl: ok thanks, I see that one is documented at https://invisible-island.net/xterm/terminfo.html
<krobelus> it might be better not to rely on terminfo (because it could be misconfigured) but it should work in most cases
<krobelus> is there a way to query terminfo capabilities by directly asking the terminal (without looking at a terminfo database)
<dnkl> sort of. it's fairly new, and not supported by many terminals
<dnkl> xterm implements a limited version, kitty a slighty less limited version, and foot allows access to the entire terminfo
<dnkl> not sure about others
<dnkl> search for XTEGTTCAP
<dnkl> there's an example client in foot's sources
<dnkl> some info here as well
<dnkl> (info on other terminals may be outdated)
<krobelus> awesome. I'm not an expert but this seems like a sane way forward
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<rockorager> dnkl: re: your response awhile back to sixels and kitty graphics. what would you think about a “kitty lite” protocol? I agree that it is bloated when it comes to timing controls, etc. but the base protocol (transfer, display) are pretty good IMO
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