dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.19.0 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<crs58> Anyone get keybindings for Kitty's "Comprehensive keyboard handling in terminals" (https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/keyboard-protocol/) working? In my foot.ini I have `\x1b[>1u` bound to Control+1 to try to enable it, but when I type Control+1 Foot just spits out `1u` (in cat I can see it's `^[[>1u`). I can force the setting by doing a printf but
<crs58> then I break my terminal lol
<crs58> Alternatively, if I can just map the actual target escapes I need (eg. Control+I instead of `<Tab>`) that'd work too
<rockorager> crs58: that would be for the shell / application to enable. if you turn it on and the program doesn’t support it you are going to have a bad time
<jpp1> crs58: , what linux distribution do you use?
<crs58> hm, ok -- just tried it in tmux (where I actually need it) instead of just messing around with cat beforehand and it does seem like I'm able to get tmux to capture those key commands. So I guess that's resolved lol
<jpp1> tmux is indeed a good piece of software
<jpp1> the advantage is that I can run my irc client on a server that isn't my home server (to which I connect using ssh). weechat runs in a tmux, which I can detach from when I disconnect, so my irc client stays connected even when I switch off my personal machine.
<jpp1> Another useful feature is the fact that several users can connect simultaneously to the same session and be able to see and perform actions on the same terminals.
<jpp1> For example, the Linux server is often controlled by just ONE terminal, with no graphical interface.
<jpp1> Thanks to tmux, this terminal can be divided into several windows,
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<krobelus> > [OSC-52 Paste] is normally not a security issue, since all applications can access the clipboard directly over the Wayland socket.
<krobelus> Thanks, that's good to know, it means there are less barriers to adoption than I thought there were
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<toast> yeah it’s a pretty common complaint (re: the security issue), but then every web page you visit in your browser having access to it somehow isn’t ^^;;
<krobelus> right. Not in qutebrowser though ;)
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<w1kl4s> o/ is it possible to make foot select an url with mouse double click? with other terminals it's pretty much always the case that when you double click a link it will be selected, but foot decides to split the selection at : so it always grabs the // part of https://, just enough to make it a pain when copying it around
<w1kl4s> i don't care about opening links from terminal itself, just the selection part
<cbb> w1kl4s: yes, search for "word-delimiters" in the foot.ini man page
<w1kl4s> perfect, thanks
<cbb> w1kl4s: no problem
<cbb> I've removed the colon from the default value, for the same reason
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