dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.19.0 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<anarcat> hi!
<anarcat> i'm having trouble setting up "true color" mode in tmux
<anarcat> https://github.com/tmux/tmux/wiki/FAQ#how-do-i-use-rgb-colour says to do set -as terminal-features ",gnome*:RGB"
<anarcat> but i suspect this assumes gnome-terminal
<anarcat> so i tried set -as terminal-features ",foot*:RGB", but this still "doesn't work" (as in https://gitlab.com/anarcat/scripts/-/blob/main/truecolor-test?ref_type=heads shows chunks instead of a smooth gradient)
<anarcat> truecolor-test works without tmux
<dnkl> try using "our" terminfo instead of the one from ncurses.
<anarcat> sigh
<dnkl> you should be able to use tmux overrides as well
<dnkl> I just don't know the magic combo
<dnkl> since I don't use tmux myself
<anarcat> installing foot-terminfo in debian doesn't help
<anarcat> i'm not sure why
<anarcat> well that's the thing, the override is the `terminal-features` stuff i pasted above
<dnkl> check the name of the terminfo file installed
<dnkl> cbb knows more about tmux than I do
<anarcat> ah, this works
<anarcat> set -ag terminal-overrides ",foot*:RGB"
<anarcat> yeah, foot-terminfo doesn't actually exist anymore
<anarcat> i guess debian assumes all goodies were merged in ncurses, sigh
<dnkl> a good chunk of the additional capabilities we define are tmux related :)
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<anarcat> thanks!
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<Arnavion> anarcat: Yes, there was discussion in this channel back in 2023-07 that Debian had decided to drop the extra terminfos entirely because of https://www.mail-archive.com/debian-bugs-dist@lists.debian.org/msg1916321.html and someone may want to suggest them to rename the terminfos to foot-extra instead
<Arnavion> Yes, the subthread by Diedrik brings it up and maintainer seems to agree to adding -extra, but seems to not have done it
<anarcat> Arnavion: i opened a new issue about this
<cbb> anarcat: dnkl: this may be of some interest: https://github.com/tmux/tmux/commit/72cd0eac29f9967f2d6c5f1968b0dec6e9d737f5
<cbb> the TTY_FEATURES_BASE_MODERN_XTERM macro expands to "256,RGB,bpaste,clipboard,mouse,strikethrough,title"
<anarcat> i wonder if TTY_FEATURES_BASE_MODERN_XTERM has
<anarcat> ha
<anarcat> cool!
<anarcat> so this will become moot in the next tmux release, nice!
<anarcat> ncurses be damned
<Arnavion> That's nice
<dnkl> wonder why they didn't add more capabilities... looking at the entry above, I see a number of features that should be applicable to foot
<anarcat> maybe those are available in the terminfo?
<cbb> dnkl: yeah, I noticed that too
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<cbb> I guess for some of them, it could just be a conservative approach w.r.t. the version
<cbb> probably an oversight for most of them though
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<cbb> anarcat: "osc7" and "hyperlinks" aren't
<cbb> and maybe some others
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