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Hi there :) If I wanted to write a library that controls and takes input from terminals in this day and age, what should I make sure to support? Are there any documents about this perhaps?
bananicorn: you should support the standard escape sequences (minimum), preferably VT100, ideally xterm extensions
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most of the standards documents are paid-for, but the European ECMA standards that are just the same thing are open :)
ECMA-48 only covers client to terminal communication though... there's no standard for the other direction
but most of the escape sequences follow the same general format
the client to terminal communications generally specify what the expected response format is
there are exceptions to that though... so unfortunately you can't really use a state machine
Thanks a lot toast :)
like a terminal would
so for instance OSC 52 (my beloved) specifies the response format, basically
bananicorn: it's not a 100% everything you need document as cbb mentioned, but it should get you started for sure
cbb: I'll keep that in mind, thanks
I also saw some new things eg. for handling keypresses or some other things specified in various places like the kitty website, should I ignore these for now?
cbb: yeah, and also small utilities, like an osc52 client
after printf '\x1b[>1u', flow control (as enabled with "stty ixon ixoff") no longer works, is there a workaround?
toast: Do I have to be concerned with all the 7 -bit stuff in the standard? The bit notation is also a bit strange, I assume 01/11= binary 00011011?
oh the binary stuff is a very weird format yeah, it's basically trying to do hex without numbers
01/11 = 0x1b
(so yes :) )
thanks :) And the 7-bit stuff is not relevant?
the 7bit stuff is complicated ^^;;
it's still relevant in that you should probably understand the difference between C0 and C1 controls
basically, yeah
as long as you output the sequence to say "I'm in 8bit" you can only implement that, iirc
Okay, thank you both, will stop the off topic questions now :) (is there perhaps a better channel for this topic?)
you should probably be using C0 ("7-bit") controls, despite POSIX requiring 8-bit bytes
because strictly speaking C1 ("8-bit") controls clash with UTF-8
ah yeah, now I remember
and almost nothing uses them
I was remembering something being "wrong" there, and indeed, it's the 7bit ones you really want for the most part
and yeah there's not really a good channel for this kind of stuff, right?
Okay gotcha, I was wondering why I never saw the 8-bit codes in the wild
I'd say that if someone minds then it's best to take a break, but otherwise terminal emulator channels are about as good a place as you can find
krobelus: no longer works in what context?
(we've got ##tty)
cbb: normally if I run "stty ixon ixoff" in bash, Control-S will pause input echoing, and Control-Q will resume it. If I enable CSI u disambiguate escape codes, the terminal will send something other than 0x13 for Control-S, which is probably why that doesn't work. I tried faking it with "printf '\x13'" but no luck
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* hovsater
bookworm: oh that's good to know!
krobelus: using printf like that just sends to the tty, not bash's input stream
you could try using some [text-bindings] in foot.ini
i.e. "\x11 = Control+q" and "\x13 = Control+s"
perhaps there's a better (bash-specific) solution that doesn't hijack those keys in every context though...
I'm curious what your use case is for control flow
is pressing Ctrl+s just for demonstration purposes, or is that something you actually use?
I'm changing fish to use CSI u, to be able to handle arbitrary keys. The shell does not have any code related to flow control, so I assume it's implemented on the terminal side. I do not use Ctrl-s myself but I wouldn't want to break it unnecessarily
krobelus: it's implemented in the tty driver
i.e the tty recognizes the "normal" codes sent for e.g Ctrl+s
I'll admit, this is something I hadn't consider
dnkl: thanks, that explains it. I'm not sure if there's a way to inject keys into the shell's own input stream
I wonder if there's anything the shell can do...
yeah, not sure right now...
I wonder if it's possible to reprogram the tty to recognize the CSIu instead 🤔
unfortunately it's a single character only, so I'm not sure
for other control codes like VINTR it doesn't matter because the shell can send SIGINT themselves. But I'm not sure if there is a way to ask the tty driver to pause input
man termios
Yeah, has to be a single byte for those termios
I can't recall the exact details, but isn't this line of reasoning conflating 2 different things?
i.e. the bytes used for the line discipline and the terminal's encoding of input?
usually you're not pressing Ctrl+s manually
the interactive shell already disables echo, and it reads every input byte with a separate call to read(). So for this use case it might be sufficient to call an API to pause/resume input to the shell. Unfortunately it's not that simple, because to know when to resume, the shell needs to receive more input..
cbb: which line of reasoning? The issue is that due to different encoding of Control-s, the tty driver no longer recognizes it
I don't think it's a very important issue, AFAICT it's the only thing from c_cc that the shell can't do itself
also, while external programs are running, fish will disable CSI u again, so flow control will work fine for programs that actually print output
so it's actually not really an issue, nevermind
krobelus: just checking... you're using the push/pop feature of the kitty protocol?
asking since I've seen other applications that don't...
(they just change it in-place)
anyway, really interested in seeing how this turns out. I use fish on a daily basis myself :)
dnkl: yes, but I only ever push one level, and pop every single time an external command is executed (including from bindings)
so the benefit of the push feature is that we don't destroy whatever our parent processes set
sounds reasonable. But it also means you're playing nice with fish's parent process (which may be using the protocol as well
krobelus: I mean, in fish you're only going to recieve \x13 or the kitty equivalent from the terminal for keyboard input
if you wanted to, you could recieve the kitty sequence and emit \x13
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hmm I could be wrong about that... the kernel side of things is kind of hard to find documentation on
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I'm almost done with the implementation; been using it for a few weeks. Occasionally there was an issue where CSI u was lingering (which hurts when running things like bash) but I hope those are gone now
cbb: the \x13 would need to be input to the shell, I guess the terminal could control that but not the shell
krobelus: I keep losing track of exactly what point I'm trying to make because there's so many moving parts involved 😅
that point about emitting \x13 was mostly an aside, but you're right
the main point I was trying to make is that it's the kernel that emits the bytes actually used for flow control
what foot emits for Ctrl+s isn't a critical part of that
you're only simulating an unnecessary VSTOP when you press Ctrl+s in legacy keyboard mode
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I plan to merge with with mixed (modifyOtherKeys + CSI u 5) and later switch to full CSI u because that might need more testing
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