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hi, I've found a regression in foot. I have saved a rich text file of a particular set of colorized email summary I had from notmuch in emacs that caused terminal breakage. It only does this on version 1.14.0 and later, 1.13.1 and earlier are fine.
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psusi: that's not a regression. The default color scheme in foot was changed in 1.14
this is mentioned in the changelog
dnkl: yes, each version has a different color scheme, but the terminal gets fscked up, meaning extra newlines are inserted, requested colors are applied to the wrong text, and so on
the cursor position gets out of sync with where emacs thinks it is
like the escape codes are being misinterpreted
sometimes a C-L to repaint the screen fixes it, sometimes not...
specifically between lines 18 and 19 of that file, a blank line is displayed, shifting all of the subsequent lines down a line. There's another one furthe rdown the screen, shifting everything again, so then the emacs mode line gets hosed
hrm... actually, with the rich text file I'm not seeing the modeline get broken now, but I did see that with the original notmuch screen
but these totally blank lines that shift everything down don't happen with the older versions
I have serious doubts this is a bug. More likely som kind of incompatibility. My suggestion would be that you do a git bisect to find the commit that changed the behavior
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I'm encountering a strange convolution since switching to foot on my current desktop (this morning)
every time I focus the terminal (I'm using the river wm, but I don't think that's related), some signal is send to `ncspot` which in running in foot
which causes ncspot (a spotify player) to seek back 10 seconds (the keybinding for this is normally shift+b)
does foot somehow notify running programs of focus?
(and can I turn that off?)
(I don't think river is related because my previous terminal, st, did not notice anything on focus)
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dnkl: damn... I'm getting a warning treated as an error when trying to bisect. How can I have ninja disable -Werror?
ninewise: sounds like a known issue with a specific version of foot's terminfo. Upgrade to a later version
either that, or the application is (probably indirectly, via terminfo) enabling focus on/out events, but are then not recognizing the escapes sent by the terminal
psusi: -Dwerror=false ought to work
I'll try out updating tomorrow, thanks for the hints
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ninewise: oh... a specific version of foot's terminfo *shipped with ncurses*. Forgot to mention that last part...
dnkl: ninja -Dwerror=false? it says it doesn't recognize that
psusi: configuration args need to be passed to meson
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