that's what I'm seeing, and I get the expected output (text only), but *only on the MR, not the master branch*
Arnavion: done
rjarry: alternatively, if you really are on the right branch, the issue is that your keymap is reporting shift as enabled, but not consumed. That too would explain what you're seeing
130 (in the kitty kbd) isn't num-lock only, but shift+num-lock
something that perhaps _should_ be changed in foot is that we currenly report locked modifiers as enabled modifiers, if there are other active, non-consumed, modifiers (e.g. alt, or ctrl)
kitty does the same however
perhaps we should change foot to only consider "pressed" keys when reporting kitty modifiers
that would fix another issue I'm seeing; numlock+space (that is, *holding* num-lock), for example, doesn't report as an escape sequence. It probably should
not sure if that would mess up e.g. sticky keys though...
or maybe reporting locked keys is how the protocol is supposed to work... leave it up to the application to decode
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so, the kitty kbd specification says this: "The modifiers optional parameter encodes any modifiers pressed for the key event".
dnkl: I am positive that I am on the correct branch
rjarry: alright... but as long as your keymap doesn't report shift as being consumed, there's nothing foot can do
am I testing this correctly ? do I need to enable kitty magic keyboard protocol before pressing shift+space ?
you'll obviously want to enable the kitty keyboard protocol if you want to see how foot encodes the key-press in the kitty protocol
but it won't change how modifiers are reported by xkb (and thus logged by foot)
that was my question yes
I have no idea why is xkb reporting this
maybe because I disabled caps lock ?
no idea either
I pushed another commit on the kitty-is-text branch; it changes how we look at the modifiers, from all modifiers being enabled, to only those being depressed.
I don't think it'll change what you're seeing rjarry , since it shouldn't affect the consumed state of shift
but might be worth testing anyway
dnkl: I will have a look later, thanks !
while I believe the last commit implements the spec, I'm not it's what the specification *intended*
alright, he updated the specification to be more clear - we should be reporting *enabled* modifiers. Not just pressed
he also admitted kitty wasn't following the specification 100%. So we shouldn't blindly follow kitty's implementation
I'll revert the last commit, and try to follow the specification more closely
this means you *will* get escape sequences whenever e.g caps or NumLock are enabled
rjarry: see comments above (i.e not much point in testing the last commit since it'll be reverted)
rockorager: this is probably something you'd like to take notice of too: the kitty spec was just updated to clarify locked modifiers
locked modifiers _should_ always cause the corresponding bit in the kitty key event to be set. When *enabled*. I.e. not just when they are pressed
this means having num-lock enabled will cause *all* key events to be escape sequence based, rather than text based
same is true for caps-lock
alright, just pushed another commit to kitty-is-text, with updated behavior for locked modifiers
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PR rebased onto latest master, and PR description updated