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ngortheone: neovim enables the kitty keyboard protocol in foot, but not in alacritty (last time I checked)
might be a decode bug in neovim
latest alacritty also has kitty kbd support. Not sure if neovim enables that or not, but fwiw, I see the exact same behavior in alacritty; Shift+F6 is interpreted as F18
alacritty 0.13.1, neovim 0.9.5
dnkl this happens in midnight commander too
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Shift-F6 is to rename a file in place
when I do this is in foot+mc it prompts me to delete the file instead
so I think it is unrelated to the application, but it is related to how foot emits events
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nah, I doubt it
show me the escape sequence emitted by foot *inside* neovim
how can I do that?
width = round(scale * round(width / scale)) kind of bugs me
I'm thinking about the ramifications of capturing the integral numerator provided by fractional-scale and doing width = round((width * scale) / 120.0) to avoid the double-round
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ngortheone: no idea...
ahesford: the point of the double round is to ensure the width we pick can be converted back and forth between logical and physical coordinates.
that should also work using the rational scale and a single round after the fact
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I used showkey -a. Here is what shift+f6 emits in foot <ESC>[17;2~
and in alacritty: <ESC>[17;2~
why do apps behave differently?
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ngortheone: I told you: neovim uses the kitty keyboard protocol. When you run showkey, you see legacy key codes
ahesford: right, but the scale factor is used in so many places that I don't think it's worth changing.
does midnight commander support kitty protocol too?
ngortheone: probably not. But here's the thing; in the legacy keyboard protcol, the escape codes for F18 and Shift+F6 *are the same*
it still does not make any sense. Shift+F6 works fine in alacritty+mc, but doesn't in foot+mc
if mc does not support kitty protocol - it receives the same old legacy escape code from the terminal
dnkl: makes sense
ngortheone: for me, alacritty+mc behaves the same as foot+mc - it prompts for deletion
for all logical sizes between 0 and 3840, and all integer scale numerators between 60 and 360 (scales 0.5 -> 3), there are 1844 pairs of width and scale where the current implementation differs from the alternative
in those cases, the current double round is always one pixel smaller
dnkl: think I found a clue. My alacritty has TERM=xterm-256color, but foot has TERM=foot
when I set TERM=xterm-256color in foot - Shift+F6 works fine
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ngortheone: guessing they check the *name* of the terminfo and change their behavior...
Yeah. My guess is that there are is no terminfo for foot or alacirtty
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on my system at least
ok, does foot have its terminfo file? can I somehow point apps to it explicitly?
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ngortheone: you're already using foot's terminfo
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dnkl: are there any downsides to setting TERM=xterm-256color ? What features will I loose?
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