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Greetings. First time on this channel, looking for a bit of help with foot.
In foot, is it possible to turn off "reflow" of window contents after window has been resized. My typical workflow consists of doing something, then clearing all windows before I start next task. Reflow messes this up if / when I open a new window.
nabla: not really. The alt screen doesn't reflow, but it also does not have a scrollback, so probably not that useful in this case
Thanks for the answer. Would you perhaps consider adding an option for this? I have used many terminals over the years, and I really like foot, and this is the only thing that is troublesome for me.
dont other terminals reflow on resize?
Not the way foot does. I just tried with xfce4-terminal. If I [1. run "ls" 2. clear screen 3. open a new terminal] then xfce4-terminal does not bring the old "ls" contents back, it stays cleared.
oh, so I assume youre using a tiling wm then? (and opening a new window resizes things..?)
Yes, I am running foot under sway. But to be honest, this is more complicated than I expected. I have been observing this problem for weeks, but now I am having some trouble replicating it.
... under all conditions.
Ok, so I think I now know a condition under which foot is causing me trouble with reflow. So, on a new desktop, in a tiling wm: [1. open a new instance of foot 2. assuming bash, run "for i in $(seq 1 100); do echo $i; done" 3. clear screen 4. open a new instance of foot] This will bring back some of the old bash output in the first instance of foot.
It is just that recently my workflow has always resulted in long terminal output, so this happens, like, all the time.
And I just tested the same process with xfce4-terminal under the same wm (sway=, so this does not seem to be a wm issue.
... because with xfce4-terminal, the same issue does not happen.
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`clear` in foot always clears scrollback for me. It outputs `\x1b[H\x1b[322J\x1b[3J` which is what `tput clear` would also compute based on foot's terminfo
What $TERM are you using
`\x1b[H\x1b[2J\x1b[3J` I meant (extra `32` in the original)
nabla: I suspect one of two things, or both in combination, may cause this
first, many terminal's don't implement 2J correctly (which is what 'clear' usually maps to?), according to the VT specification
instead of clearing the screen, they scroll out the contents to the scrollback history
second, foot always tries to "pull down" as many rows as possible after a reflow
there's an issue somewhere on codeberg, to somehow special case reflow after a screen clear
depending on _how_ you clear the screen, ut might be possible to reconfigure the clear command/shortcut to use 3J instead of 2J. This will clear the entire scrollback history, instead of just the current screen
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>(which is what 'clear' usually maps to?) < `clear` maps to what the terminfo says
Well, ncurses clear does. I don't know about busybox clear
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Arnavion echo $TERM outputs foot-extra
What does `clear | xxd` output
Arnavion: seems I have to install a new package to run xxd...
Sure, or `clear | hexdump`
Arnavion: output of 'clear | hexdump' follows:
0000000 5b1b 1b48 325b 1b4a 335b 004a
Yes so that's the same sequence I said originally
Heck, the problem disappears if I run 'clear' instead of typing Ctrl-L. So this is a key binding issue?
So all this time you were talking about ctrl-L, not `clear` ?
Ctrl-L is handled by bash via its readline configuration
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Yes, sorry, I have always associated Ctrl-L with 'clearing.' My bad. In any case, this was most useful for me, so thank you very much!
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The internet says ctrl-L maps to `clear -x` by default but it's not the case for me, so I wonder if the default changed at some point. I don't use Ctrl-L so I don't know. What version of bash do you have?
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