dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.16.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<cc0> dnkl: as a terminal app, can i detect when foot receives a drag and drop from a file? does foot just send <bracketed paste> '/my/path' <end bracketed paste> or is there anything else i could use?
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<dnkl> cc0: no, you can't. It's pasted, with bracketed paste if it's been enabled.
<cc0> ok :) thanks
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<anonusevoid> how could i change font size permanently in foot
<armin> anonusevoid: font=JetBrainsMonoNL Medium:size=13, JetBrainsMonoNLNerdFont-Medium, Joypixels
<armin> anonusevoid: like this for example?
<armin> anonusevoid: my .config/foot/foot.ini here: https://uno.m2m.pm/foot.ini
<anonusevoid> when i add font line above the color section it flickers once everytime i open it
<anonusevoid> and i can't add font line below color section because it throws error
<anonusevoid> my curret config http://0x0.st/H6jh.ini
<j`ey> it flickers = the font size flickers or what?
<anonusevoid> the background flickers
<j`ey> so it sounds like an issue with the alpha maybe?
<anonusevoid> yeah
<j`ey> so the font is fine?
<anonusevoid> yes
<anonusevoid> i think i will use sakura for now
<anonusevoid> btw thanks for help
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