dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.16.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<romildo> When trying to launch foot with sudo in labwc, I am getting the error:
<romildo> $ sudo -A foot
<romildo> error: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is invalid or not set in the environment.
<romildo> err: wayland.c:1456: failed to connect to wayland; no compositor running?
<romildo> Other terminals work. Any clues?
<dutchie> the error indicates that foot needs the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR environment variable to work, so you could `sude --preserve-env=XDG_RUNTIME_DIR`. but i'm not sure that will do what you want. perhaps `foot sudo -Ai` or something might be better
<dutchie> if you want a foot instance with a root shell
<Consolatis> romildo: I'd rather start foot normally and then execute sudo -i within foot. Can also be given as startup argument, so foot sudo -i
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<romildo> Preserving XDG_RUNTIME_DIR works. Also using the -i option to sudo.
<romildo> Thanks.
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<ahesford> I'm noticing some weird interplay with initial-window-size-chars and fractional scaling, and I'm hoping for some guidance on fixing the behavior
<ahesford> I have font=Hack:size=9, initial-window-size-chars=90x30, and two displays with scale 1.5
<ahesford> opening a foot instance gives me $LINES == 29, $COLUMNS == 85
<ahesford> if I change to scale 1 or scale 2, the window is properly sized
<ahesford> if I set dpi-aware = yes, the window is properly sized
<ahesford> if I go back to scale 1.5 and dpi-aware = no, but change font to Hack:size=8.5, I get 94x30
<ahesford> I'm thinking render.c lines 3969--70 have the wrong logic
<ahesford> hrm, maybe not
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<ahesford> this seems to be a race with fractional scaling
<ahesford> configures at scale 2, picks a size, then gets mapped, is told a fractional scale of 1.5, and adjusts the contents incorrectly
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<ahesford> confirmed, render.c lines 3940--3941 are to blame
<ahesford> initial configure sets a size based on scale 2, fractional scale takes effect and it applies the "stashed" size (scaled)
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