i think it's okay to say that i live within terminals, yes.
i really try to do whatever i anyhow can inside a terminal window.
for having GOOD conversations, like the ones you can have here on libera IRC, yes, a terminal emulator is exactly what i want to look at, it's just a pleasure to use for me if configured right.
foot allows me to really set *everything* i need.
st, too, but i admit it, configuring st is much more painful than foot.
foot is really *great* in that regard. it's so simple even i can understand it.
the computer the music here plays on, has cost me 13€, runs alpine linux, works just great.
thanks to...a music player application that just runs inside a terminal.
i'm on debian
for me it all came back to the command line again and again, i always felt like that's a way of life. i just love terminals. foot is at least among the top 3 i ever tried.
meh, i feel dissed now, i'm on manjaro
its all good
i really don't care that much, been using debian for at least 10 years
currently manjaro/alpine/openbsd, but meh that could change tomorrow
the very very BEST thing that can happen to you trying open source / free software things, is, just in fact, a developer friendly irc channel like this one here
if something really goes downhill i can just complain and either daniel tells me i'm drunk or he fixes it
irc is just <3
brb :)
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dongle: foot has a keyboard driven URL mode, allowing you too either open, or copy URLs without using the mouse
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dnkl: thanks for the info link
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i can activate url mode but cannot click on the links
i'm missing something
"keyboard driven approach" means no mouse
right the ctrl+shift+u underlines the link
oh ok
got it thanks dnkl
sometimes it takes awhile to get into ma brain
you can also copy URLs in the same way, but that action isn't assigned a key binding by default. i.e you have to add the mapping yourself
hmm i guess i cant open a link when an instance of firefox is already open
that should work. Foot just runs xdg-open (by default - it's configurable). Must something else in your environment that prevents it from working
i would have thought it would just open another tab in already open firefox
i do use firejail
for firefox
i disabled it but it that didnt change anything
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dongle: FWIW, links open in a new tab for me with firefox