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dnkl: I don't see anything, but do you know a way to disable SixelScrolling but not have every sixel show up at [0,0]?
there isn't. Why do you want to disable scrolling, and what do you expect to happen instead?
A partial image printed
If I print an image 10 cells tall at $LINES-5, I only want half the image to show up
Instead of scroling
well, you can disable scrolling, and then position the sixel by emitting sixel newlines
Is there a "sixel space"?
If I want it not on the left margin?
but it'll still overwrite the bottom with the last emitted sixel row
That's fine, you have mode 8452 which positions cursor on the right instead of next line
sure, the "empty" sixel. The first character in the sixel alphabet, that maps to all zeroes
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Alright, I shall consider
rockorager: 8452 is kind of obsolete
foot recently started positioning the cursor like the real hardware
on the text row containing the
*upper* pixel of the last sixel row
so, no scrolling as long as you stay on the bottom text row
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Alright...it may be easier for me to clip the image, and the re-encode it to sixel
trying to get some parity between sixel and kitty in this area, and I prefer showing clipped images over nothing
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