I have a linux machine and a Mac using zsh as my shell on the Mac. I noticed issues with ssh, so I researched this, and discovered I have to copy the terminfo files over. I have done this, but I am still encountering issues. This did fix the issue of cursor shape not changing in nvim, but things like backspace etc didn't work properly. I tried it
in the tty, and everything was fine. However, I had the same issue with alacritty as well
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ah, $TERM issues.
unfortunately, they already left.
if [[ "$TERM" == foot ]]; then export TERM=xterm-256color
something like this here on the server side does the job just fine in my case...
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brocellous: thanks for the feedback
so i started using a firefox plugin that is called Link Hints - it's pretty cool! you hit a keybinding, and then you can navigate links and page controls using the keyboard directly, a bit like how you can open links in foot with control control-shit-o
but link hints also has this *other* cool feature in that you can use it to *select* text (as opposed to clicking it), basically it activates a region designated by a shortcut and from there you can extend the selection or copy and so on
i wonder if foot could have a similar feature, maybe have a selector that would work by line or paragraph or something
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anarcat: it already has
... !
it does? how does it work?
well, sort of. you can copy a link
oh yes, that i know
you can copy and open link'
i'm refering specificlly to copying *non* link text
latest release also has improved support for extending the selection in search mode
but yeah, there's no way to convert a link to an extendable selection
so i guess i imagine this could work a little like in screen(1) where when you enter a search, you can then enter a selection mode and then copy stuff to the clipboard
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