dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.15.3 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<cc0> :P
<cc0> i appreciate that you'd be willing to add support for the spec to aerc even though youd not make use of it yourself. :)
<rockorager> Ah but I do use a specific aerc app-id!
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<taupiqueur_shiny> hey
<taupiqueur_shiny> do you think it is out of the scope for foot to provide shell integration?
<taupiqueur_shiny> something like wezterm, which provides completion code from the cli
<taupiqueur_shiny> shell completion*
<taupiqueur_shiny> it could be handy for shell integration (cd-ing, jumping between prompts, etc.) or shell completion
<taupiqueur_shiny> as it will slow down the shell init to use in `eval` I would rather use it as the source of truth and put the generated code in a ~/.local_bashrc or something (not sure about the convention)
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<Riolku> like, you want foot to provide command line completion for commands?
<ifreund> taupiqueur_shiny: are you perhaps looking for this: https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/src/branch/master/completions
<taupiqueur_shiny> ifreund: yep :p
<taupiqueur_shiny> including shell integration
<taupiqueur_shiny> I realize the implementation is quite personal actually
<taupiqueur_shiny> so it might not be a good idea for `foot` to speak shell code to be evaluated for this integration
<taupiqueur_shiny> I have something like this in my bashrc for osc:
<taupiqueur_shiny> export PROMPT_COMMAND=_prompt_command
<taupiqueur_shiny> _prompt_command() {
<taupiqueur_shiny> printf '\e]7;file://%s%s\e\\\e]133;A\e\\' "$HOSTNAME" "$PWD"
<taupiqueur_shiny> }
<taupiqueur_shiny> it's not bulletproof sadly due to url escaping
<taupiqueur_shiny> might be possible to encode pwd with `curl` or `jq @uri`
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