dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.15.3 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<triallax1> Hi all!
<triallax1> I've moved to foot recently and been really liking it. :)
<triallax1> I'm facing a strange issue though.
<triallax1> I have this xkb option to swap right alt and right ctrl: ctrl:swap_ralt_rctl
<triallax1> But for some reason when I try to start the URL mode (Ctrl+Shift+o) using the alt button instead, it doesn't start.
<triallax1> On the other hand, I also have ctrl:swapcaps, and using the caps lock button as ctrl does work.
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<dnkl> triallax1: key decoding is mostly done libxkb... what does "libinput debug-events" say?
<dnkl> also, which version of foot are you using?
<triallax1> 1.15.3
<triallax1> On Void Linux.
<triallax1> Whenever I press right alt, i get this:
<triallax1> event0 KEYBOARD_KEY +1.115s KEY_RIGHTALT (100) released
<triallax1> Also, to be clear, "normal" keypresses (for instance ralt+w instead of ctrl+w) work just fine.
<triallax1> In this case it seems only foot's bindings are affected.
<triallax1> (also, i messed up, that line is on release, not press, but otherwise it's the same)
<triallax1> Also worth noting that this is the first time i see an issue like this, no other applications seem to have it as far as I know.
<triallax1> https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/issues/1300 looks similar, but in my case ctrl:swapcaps are working just fine.
<dnkl> triallax1: don't know what it could be. I just tested ctrl:swap_lalt_lctl (my keyboard doesn't have a right-alt), and it works
<triallax1> Yeah, it's strange.
<triallax1> I wonder if there's some interplay between it and some other xkb option(s).
<triallax1> Here's what I have:
<triallax1> xkb_options "grp:rctrl_toggle,ctrl:swapcaps,ctrl:swap_ralt_rctl,compose:prsc"
<dnkl> does alt+shift+<X> work in general in other applications (not just alt+<X>, but specifically the shift modifier)?
<triallax1> Yeah, just tested it with qutebrowser.
<dnkl> maybe test alt+shift+ some other key in foot? Some combinations simply wont work on some keyboards. It's a hardware limitation
<triallax1> Sure, I'll try that.
<triallax1> It should work if it shows up in libinput debug-events, right?
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<triallax1> Oh my God.
<triallax1> I'm such a timeless idiot.
<triallax1> Turns out I was pressing Alt+CapsLock+o instead of Alt+Shift+o.
<triallax1> so yeah, pebkac :D
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<dnkl> 😂 glad you worked it out
<triallax1> Even after I realized I'm still very tempted to use the former, not sure why.
<triallax1> It just makes so much more sense to me for some reason.
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<triallax1> But anyway, that's nothing you need to concern yourself with. :)
<triallax1> Thanks for foot! It's working flawlessly for me, and I'm a big fan of the qutebrowser-like url mode.
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<Riolku> +1, that is a very nice feature
<Riolku> love using it in aerc and with git push
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<sewn> can 'footclient' to fallback to regular foot if the server suddenly die?
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<dnkl> sewn: no, I try to avoid having too much "magic" in foot. You could probably wrap it in a script yourself though
<sewn> fair enough
<sewn> last time footserver died on me i was super confused on what had happened lol
<dnkl> yeah, that has happened to me too...
<dnkl> in case anyone is interested in testing new key bindings in scrollback search: https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/pulls/1496
<dnkl> (extending the selection)
<sewn> is it normal for footclient to not respect the latest foot config? i had url mode disabled but when i enabled it only 'foot' actually opens it up
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<sewn> dnkl: err: search.c:818: BUG in search_extend_find_line(): assertion failed: 'pos.row >= 0'
<sewn> idk if its appropiate to post the error here or on the pr
<sewn> i did the bug by entering search mode and using scrollback-up-page or down
<sewn> oops, i meant extend-line-up
<sewn> if i do any of the extend- keybindings i get the same bug
<dnkl> post in the PR, if you have a simple way to reproduce
<dnkl> in this case it looks like we're just missing a check that we have a search match
<sewn> yep
<dnkl> should be fixed now
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