dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.15.1 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<dnkl> leon-p: you're right :|
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<ayushnix> After the 1.15.0 or maybe the 1.15.1 release, after my external monitor resumes from sleep, the font size in foot decreases a lot. My external monitor is connected to my laptop, which has a different DPI than my monitor.
<ayushnix> Opening a fresh footclient window doesn't show the same issue.
<dnkl> ayushnix: 1.15.0 had several known issues related to fractional scaling. Make sure you test 1.15.1
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<ayushnix> dnkl: I'm on 1.15.1 right now.
<ayushnix> I haven't enabled fractional scaling in foot right now because sway doesn't have support for it.
<ayushnix> and I've tested this behavior on 1.15.1
<c7s> ayushnix: it's probably to do with dpi-aware, which isn't on by default anymore iirc
<ayushnix> c7s: I've set dpi-aware to yes right now
<c7s> ah I didn't see the sleep thing, nvm
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<ayushnix> this is the font size after resuming my external monitor from sleep (DPMS)
<ayushnix> closing and reopening the footclient window restores the actual font size
<ayushnix> this is on the latest foot version
<ayushnix> foot version: 1.15.1 +pgo +ime +graphemes +fractional-scaling -cursor-shape -assertions
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<ayushnix> and sway version 1.8.1, if that helps
<alexherbo2> hey
<alexherbo2> are you keen to add more xf86 key mappings?
<alexherbo2> there is one for xf86copy and xf86paste but not for searching e.g.
<alexherbo2> the use is to map super-{c,v,f} like on macos
<alexherbo2> use case*
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<dnkl> ayushnix: please post an issue with "WAYLAND_DEBUG foot -d info" output. Please try to keep interaction with the foot window to a minimum. Please also post your config. And if possible, do the same with the last working version of foot
<dnkl> ... while reproducing the issue
<leon-p> And I think I found another bug: line drawing characters no longer fill the full height of the cells when using line-height in the config
<ayushnix> dnkl: here's the debug log while using 1.15.1
<ayushnix> will post the same with 1.14.0 in a few minutes
<ayushnix> oh, here's the config with 1.15.1
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<ayushnix> and here's the debug log with no issues on foot version 1.14.0
<ayushnix> the only change made in the foot config file was dpi-aware was set to auto
<dnkl> how many monitors do you have, and see what scaling values?
<ayushnix> dnkl: an external 27 inch 4k monitor, which is connected to my laptop, which has a 14 inch 1080p panel
<ayushnix> connected via USB-C
<dnkl> and what scaling factors are they configured to use?
<ayushnix> no scaling configured on either displays
<ayushnix> the default, 1.0
<dnkl> and your configured font size is?
<ayushnix> dnkl: 12
<ayushnix> like so, "font=mononoki:style=Regular:size=12"
<dnkl> ayushnix: first thing: please double check one of your included config files don't set dpi-aware. Or that you have a fontconfig rule that explicitly sets DPI=96. Because you're not actually using DPI aware rendering in neither 1.14.0 nor 1.15.1 (both logs show fcft loading fonts at DPI=96)
<dnkl> that alone obviously doesn't explain the font size change
<dnkl> I can't tell anymore from the logs you posted.
<ayushnix> I did have a fontconfig rule to set DPI at 96
<dnkl> but I'd start with figuring out why it uses a DPI of 96. It should be using 162. You can look for fcft output in the logs
<ayushnix> I've commented that out
<dnkl> ayushnix: try applying http://0x0.st/He_p.patch, do a debug build of foot, and then run WAYLAND_DEBUG=1 ./foot -d debug, and redo the 1.15.1 experiment
<ayushnix> I commented the fontconfig rule that sets the DPI to 96, restarted the foot server but still got the same issue. The debug logs show that fcft shows the DPI value as 162.
<ayushnix> I'll apply this patch and report back.
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<dnkl> leon-p: thanks, I see it too. The glyphs' y-offset is no longer correct. I'll add this to #1430
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<ayushnix> dnkl: same issue with the debug build
<ayushnix> here's the log
<dnkl> ayushnix: for some reason the DPI of the monitor is lost, and reset to 96. I'll have to come back to this later, when I have more time
<ayushnix> sure, do you want me to raise on issue?
<ayushnix> s/on/an
<dnkl> ayushnix: yes, that would be best
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<dnkl> I think I have an idea of what's happening. DPI calculation depends on information from two different Wayland interfaces. But the fonts are only updated after changes in one of the interfaces
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<dnkl> leon-p: https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/pulls/1432 _should_ fix the font baseline issue
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<ayushnix> dnkl: that patch fixes the issue I've described!
<ayushnix> thanks!
<dnkl> ayushnix: great, then I'll put together a proper PR and merge it :)
<leon-p> dnkl: thanks, I'll try once I am home
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<leon-p> ok, probably can't test today. I am having the same build issues I had with fuzzel (I think?) last year - the ones were the version variables aren't defined - and can't remember the workaround, so I'll do that tomorrow
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