dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.15.0 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.15.1 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
<beerman> 🎊🥳
<beerman> that was a quick one, thanks dnkl
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<dnkl> beerman: yeah, several fairly severe bugs (for those with fractional-scale capable compositors) made it important to get a patch release out :)
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<hexa-> hm, since foot 1.15.0 my font has become smaller and the url selector darkens the screen, but I don't see a key indicator to select a url
<hexa-> also on 1.15.1
<hexa-> on sway*
<hexa-> > Control+Shift+u is now bound to unicode-input instead of show-urls-launch, to follow the convention established in GTK and Qt (#1183).
<hexa-> oh :D
<novakane> hexa-: for the font, probably because now dpi-aware defaults to no
<hexa-> yeah, makes sense
<hexa-> yes, reenabling dpi-awareness did the trick
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<ultra> yup, got the same problem with `dpi-aware auto` which is now deprecated (I mean, the "auto" value)
<sewn> what compositors do you all use?
<dnkl> river
<Lord> sway
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<manio> sway + played with Hyprland yesterday :)
<manio> but i'll stick with sway
<manio> it lacks tabs and scratchpad which i like a lot
<manio> and I prefer minimalism (not a fancy animated windows)
<sewn> i wish i could use sway but zig doesn't like musl
<sewn> s/sway/river
<sewn> <manio> "and I prefer minimalism (not a..." <- hyprland has a smaller codebase, you can disable the animated windows afaik
<ifreund> sewn: I assume you mean musl 1.2.4? Zig 0.10 was unfortunately not forwards compatible with the changes musl made in that release :/
<ifreund> zig master and the upcoming 0.11 release will work again
<sewn> hm, well i am building from zig-bootstrap 0.11.0-dev.4172+2ce9d5cad with a musl of 1.2.4
<sewn> is there a channel for zig where we can discuss this?
<ifreund> sewn: #zig or #river are both fine
<ifreund> (both on libera)
<sewn> well i had already made an issue on the river repository regarding zig build failure
<ifreund> link? river master won't build with zig master if that's what you're trying. It tracks the latest zig release
<ifreund> I have a next-zig branch but I think it's out of date with the tip of zig master right now
<ifreund> ah, that one
<sewn> on the zig-bootstrap issue i am facing a different error now though, but the zig stage2 binaries still segfault unfortunately
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<sewn> if i copy something too large from foot, pasting it causes a segfault, why is this?
<sewn> selection.c:1704: BUG in send(): assertion failed: 'clipboard->text != NULL'
<dnkl> sewn: bug in either foot or the compositor. Best way forward is to run foot with "WAYLAND_DEBUG=1 foot", and then open an issue with the output attached.
<dnkl> regardless of whose fault it is, foot shouldn't crash
<sewn> i believe the error occurs when it fails to convert the selection to utf-8
<sewn> try to copy the following paste: https://termbin.com/r5pn and paste it
<sewn> just to check if its reproducible before filing a bug
<sewn> actually that paste wont make the bug happen so yeah i think i will attempt to file a bug report
<ayushnix> I wanted to use the prompt jumping feature of foot but realized that tmux doesn't support OSC 133
<ayushnix> zellij doesn't support it either
<ayushnix> I guess I could use the prompt jump keybindings offered by tmux in its copy mode but that kinda feels hack-ish
<ayushnix> not sure if abduco supports OSC 133
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<ayushnix> it doesn't
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