dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.14.0 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<k-man> how do i make links clickable in foot?
<k-man> or is tha the antithesis of foot?
<NickH> Not sure if it is possible. Think the default binding is Shift+Ctrl+u
<k-man> or rather how do i open a url from the foot terminal?
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<NickH> Hit that keybinding, then each url will be highlighted and a assigned a letter.
<NickH> Type the corresponding letter, or ESC to cancel.
<k-man> hmm... ctrl+shift+u puts an underlined u in the buffer. is that right? maybe gnome is intefrering? (sorry i didn't switch to river yet)
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<NickH> Yeah, it should underline each URL and show a letter next to each
<k-man> hmm not working for me
<NickH> Can you post a screenshot of what you see when hitting ctrl+shift+u?
<NickH> Ahh, looks like it is a gnome conlict https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/issues/1183
<NickH> ...or is it?
<k-man> oh yes that seems to be it
<k-man> i might try a different keyboard shortcut in foot
<k-man> yep, that fixed it thanks NickH
<NickH> Excellent
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<dnkl> if all goes well, I'll be releasing 1.15.0 later this week. The one thing remaining is choosing the new default color scheme. If you haven't already, please vote (by giving a thumbs up in the PR). The three candidates are:
<dnkl> (and the tracking issue is https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/issues/1321)
<dnkl> k-man: NickH: I just merged a PR (that's been open for ~7 months) that changes the default key binding for URL mode to control+shift+o. That resolves #1183.
<k-man> dnkl: awesome! Nice work dnkl and thank you for your work
<NickH> dnkl: Nice! Will checkout the colours within the 24 hour or so. Actually, that reminds me that I had a question about seeing the colour for borders/titlebar for unfocused (focussed?) terminals when using CSD. Think I could set it for focussed (unfocused?) but not the other. Will check...
<dnkl> NickH: foot only supports one set of colors for the CSD titlebar and border. I.e. we use the same color for both focused and unfocused windows.
<dnkl> I can certainly see the benefits of being able to configure a different set of colors for unfocused windows.
<dnkl> feel free to open a feature request ;)
<NickH> hmm, strange. Pretty sure I was seeing different colours for focused vs unfocused foot with CSD on river. Will try to work out what was happening.
<ifreund> If you haven't changed defaults foot will use SSD on river
<ifreund> and river has different SSD colors for focused/unfocused by default
<NickH> Will need to check, was a few weeks ago when I decided to just have a look at things with CSD enabled.
<dnkl> got to look at the code, but I suspect foot is dimming the CSDs when unfocused. I had just forgotten that
<NickH> Thinking about it a bit more it may have been when playing with wayfire.
<NickH> Will check when not on Android/couch :-)
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<dnkl> yup, we dim the titlebar, the borders, and the button background colors. The button foreground is not dimmed
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<NickH> dnkl, ifreund ok I understand now that what I was seeing was just that the colour being dimmed for unfocussed windows.
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