dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.13.1 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<mx08> dnkl: In case you (or anybody else) are using the xkeyboard option ctrl:swapcaps_hyper, it has been renamed to ctrl:hyper_capscontrol a week ago: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xkeyboard-config/xkeyboard-config/-/issues/344
<mx08> (And it is already in the arch official repos, just figured that out after an update...)
<mx08> Highlighting you b/c IIRC you were using caps as ctrl.
<peetee> Can anyone port it to Windows?
<mx08> And the semantics also changed a bit, left ctrl is now Mod4 instead of Mod3 (but I didn't use that key).
* mx08 reads "Windows"
* mx08 flees
<dnkl> peetee: fwiw, it already runs under wsl2. As a real, standalone window on the windows desktop
<dnkl> mx08: not using that one myself, but thanks for the heads up!
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<sterni> is there any to persist clipboard content in memory that isn't cleaned up when foot exists?
<sterni> I often open a terminal emulator to quickly copy something, immediately close – after which the clipboard content is gone and I can't paste
<hexa-> wl-copy?
<qyliss> sterni: you can use a clipboard manager
<ifreund> wl-copy will use the wlr-data-control protocol if the compositor supports it to make that work
<qyliss> oh that's cool
<sterni> with sway it seems to just fork itself into the background
<ifreund> hmm, any chance your version of wl-copy is built without support for wlr-data-control?
<ifreund> (not sure if that's a thing or not tbh)
<sterni> ifreund: I don't see a reason why it wouldn't
<sterni> built with all optional deps
<qyliss> Nothing that looks like that in the meson_options.txt.
<qyliss> And we have the latest version in Nixpkgs, which I imagine sterni is doing.
<sterni> yep
<sterni> wl-paste -w also works which uses the protocol
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<ifreund> Ok, I don't actually know what wl-copy is doing and the code is surprisingly unreadable :/
<ifreund> sterni: couldn't you just use foot in client/server mode?
<ifreund> the server will continue to provide the copied data after closing a foot window
<sterni> ifreund: yeah that's something I should consider maybe
<hexa-> but I prefer fine granular crashes :)
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<raiguard> Kabouik: After discussing it with the kakoune comunity, we determined that my best solution is to use my window manager to overlay the terminal. Since kak is has a client-server model, it would not be easy at all to add suspend and resume for specific clients in the way that I want - all %sh{} blocks run on the server.
<raiguard> For now I'm using the app ID to float my file picker, which works ok, but it's sub-optimal.
<raiguard> I tried to use a wrapper script and send TSTP to kak, but sending that to kak suspends the wrapper script too :/
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