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<michaelni> ramiro, a comit from 2008, I would guess it maps white to white, black to black and may provide some biases to compensate for rounding of subsequent operations that existed in 2008. The number you quote is 0x2001D5B
<michaelni> also its always possible that some mistake was done or a typo, especially if everything makes sense but one number doesnt
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<Lynne> how can hardware **not** support using B-frames as references?
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<jkqxz> Bad software layers on top of it?
<jkqxz> Missing rate control would probably be a reason to say you don't do it.
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<Lynne> the hardware supports encoding b-frames though
<jkqxz> As would incomplete slice header support.
<Lynne> does it not have plumbing to go from an encoded frame's reconstruction to be used as a ref?
<jkqxz> Hardware companies are reluctant to expose how their hardware actually works, hence super-sekrit signed firmware to do anything.
<jkqxz> Yes, obviously to a video person there is no difference, but if it's not an official feature then it will be very hard to get it.
<jkqxz> (I'm assuming you are complaining about some Vulkan drivers here.)
<elenril> how do hardware engineers come into being, one wonders
<elenril> when nobody is allowed to know anything
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<jkqxz> Lynne: Dave did ask "what the fw supports", not the hardware.
<jkqxz> elenril: Programming digital hardware is just software in a funny language with some slightly different rules.
<elenril> and lots of global state
<jkqxz> The real difference is that unlike software you have to actually test things before shipping them.
<galad> I have a swscale patch from Intel that it seems it was never submitted upstream: https://github.com/HandBrake/HandBrake/commit/6a6d47a48806c39bbfd2aa1af141e3346d82a75d , it fixes a slight color shift in the yuv420 -> p010le conversion, if someone wants to take a look, or I'll submit it to the mailing list later
<elenril> seems that code was written by BtbN
<haasn> ramiro: it would make sense, unless benchmarks show otherwise
<haasn> well
<haasn> with my planned refactor this could possibly become negligible
<haasn> because I plan on keeping each step inside the cache
<haasn> at which point the overhead of first converting to 16 bit becomes negligible, since you need to do that anyway for dithering
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<elenril> speaking of omx
<elenril> wbs: do you know if anyone still uses it?
<wbs> elenril: not really, no
<elenril> should we deprecate it then?
<JEEB> even android is nowadays preferring codec2
<wbs> dunno, maybe
<elenril> codec2?
<wbs> elenril: their own internal codec api abstraction
<elenril> I thought codec2 was a speech codec
<JEEB> welcome to overloaded words
* elenril stabs google
<JEEB> s/words/names/
<elenril> stop inventing words
<elenril> wbs: I mean do you see any good reason NOT to deprecate it?
<wbs> elenril: not really, no
<elenril> we did remove crystalhd and xvmc
<courmisch> it's still used in embedded SBCs, but that's always some hacked up old FFmpeg
<courmisch> I don't think it'll hurt to remove it in future FFmpeg versions
<wbs> the main cases where I've seen it was older raspberry pis, and internally in android (where user code can't access it directly anyway, although the also-internal api IOMX was very close)
<wbs> and in practice, it almost always required specific testing+tuning for each piece of HW
<wbs> hmm apparently even the rpi4 still uses/supports OMX, with commits about that not very long ago (only a couple years ago)
<wbs> and we didn't have OMX decoding (I did have code for that, but apparently never upstreamed it)
<courmisch> there are SBCs other thab rPi
<courmisch> those typically have semibroken OMXIL, no V4L2, no gstreamer
<elenril> don't we have something for an rpi-specific decoding API?
<elenril> mmal iirc
<wbs> yes, that's probably why we don't have OMX decoding merged. but mmal doesn't do encoding
<JEEB> yup
<JEEB> rpi4 should have MMAL for the pre-HEVC formats, and then v4l2-requests decoder for HEVC
<wbs> ah, why stick with one mess, when you can have two? :-)
<JEEB> 8)
<JEEB> apparently someone started writing a wrapper for v4l2 for some of the older formats, but apparently those didn't work too well
<JEEB> since it would go through mmal internally anyways
<JEEB> wbs: I guess the mmal stuff they received from "upstream", and the requests stuff is their own development, so not surprising they don't want to touch stuff that "already works"
<wbs> the fun thing about the rpi hw decoder, is that it uses OMX as API across the wire to the coprocessor, iirc. literally memcpy of the OMX structs over to the coprocessor
<wbs> and MMAL was just a newly designed API on top of this, hiding OMX from the users
<JEEB> fun design :D
<wbs> and iirc there were fun aspects of this, because with a 64 bit userland, the OMX structs have a different size/layout. but this doesn't match the struct layout the DSP side expects
<JEEB> yea
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<elenril> I one saw a discussion where some hw people were asked 'why are you inventing a new API and not just use VA'
<elenril> with the answer being it just didn't occur to them
<JEEB> yea I did wonder the same thing
<elenril> everybody else does it, so...
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<JEEB> since like with ye olde MIPS stuff the user space overhead argument might have been valid, but at this point the aarch64 boards are fine running vaapi
<Daemon404> elenril, easy, there is a competition for who can make the most perverse and insane api in the hw world
<Daemon404> bonus points for horrible """pixel formats"""
<BBB> hey you're back :)
<Daemon404> since ages ago
<elenril> >Looking for serious answers with out sarcasm, insults, or claims of simplicity.
<elenril> lol
<Daemon404> which mail is that form
<Daemon404> from, evem
<Daemon404> bloody keyboard, how do they work...
<elenril> > Top Secret <topsecretscream@gmail.com>
<elenril> but also > Message-Id <PH0PR16MB41978CD445B404C05B3D375CFC9B2@PH0PR16MB4197.namprd16.prod.outlook.com>
<elenril> something smells weird there
<BtbN> I didn't even read that sender, wtf
<elenril> it's probably DHS
<Daemon404> more likely just normal anonymous internet weirdos
<Daemon404> theyre not even trying to introduce a backdoor.
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<cone-172> ffmpeg Cameron Gutman master:a15d2fdfd96c: avcodec/amfenc: Fix AV1 HDR metadata for delayed surfaces
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<Sean_McG> elenril: LeakSanitizer does not like fate-filter-crazychannels
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<jamrial> same with filter-join
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<j-b> haasn: ping
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<haasn> j-b: pong
<ePirat> michaelni, it seems Coverity is not clever at all about flags as function parameters?
<ePirat> michaelni, it claims for av_dict_set with flags = 0 that (flags & 8) is true…
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<kasper93> Coverity is rarely clever about anything, sorry.
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<michaelni> ePirat, Déjà-vu
<ePirat> I will just mark it as false positive
<michaelni> yes, thats correct
<ePirat> there seems to be no way to guide it into the right direction there
<ePirat> it cant get clearer than it already is
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<cone-490> ffmpeg James Almer master:2e91532ead86: avfilter/af_join: pass the correct input layouts to ff_channel_layouts_ref
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