michaelni changed the topic of #ffmpeg-devel to: Welcome to the FFmpeg development channel | Questions about using FFmpeg or developing with libav* libs should be asked in #ffmpeg | This channel is publicly logged | FFmpeg 7.0.2 has been released! | Please read ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Code-of-conduct
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<vipyne> question about the message "Use --disable-x86asm for a crippled build." What does "crippled build" mean? For context, I have found a FATE test that fails when configure is run with the disable-x86asm flag, but is that expected/allowed since it running against a "crippled" build ?
<Lynne> it means it'll be a very slow build
<Lynne> definitely not expected, which test fails?
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<cone-606> ffmpeg Marvin Scholz master:504c1ffcd8dd: fftools/ffmpeg: remove useless error check
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<Lynne> hevc vulkan encoder sent
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<elenril> >2 files changed, 407 insertions(+)
<elenril> in what way is this a "split"
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<Lynne> "copy"
<Lynne> I'll reword it locally
<Lynne> it'll go through at least 1 more revision anyway
<llyyr> Lynne: is there any news about the vp9 decode spec?
<Lynne> it'll happen, there's plenty of interest, but we're all very busy until we release av1 encode
<llyyr> ah i see
<Lynne> there's already plenty of code written though
<Lynne> collabora wrote driver code for a mesa extension, and I think dave had a vp9 decode ffmpeg branch
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<cone-915> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov release/7.0:9cadadb9a12a: lavc/hevc: check framerate num/den to be strictly positive
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<cone-915> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov release/6.1:86c595cc1b63: lavc/hevc: check framerate num/den to be strictly positive
<cone-915> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov release/6.0:c22db2bcf239: lavc/hevc: check framerate num/den to be strictly positive
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<King_DuckZ> hello, it's a bit of a loose question but I've been asked to figure out what filters and plugins get instantiated in ffmpeg when I play a certain video stream, is there any way from code or otherwise to find out exactly?
<BtbN> as long as you don't tell it to filter, there won't be much. Maybe some colorspace/pixel format conversion if neccesary, but that's about it
<BtbN> and ffmpeg does not have plugins
<King_DuckZ> I think we call plugins that kind of virtual class emulation mechanism, for example in mpegts.c at the bottom there are these structs of function pointers
<King_DuckZ> I'm not entirely sure where they get called from exactly but if there's a place that has the full set of everything, it'd be great if I could quickly loop over them and printf() their name
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* Sean_McG peeks in
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<vipyne> Lynne: fate-filter-fps-cfr fails when configured with disable-x86asm. I am on an intel mac, which also may be a factor? I can make a bug report, I just wanted to clarify about "crippled build" first.
<Sean_McG> hmmm, that shouldn't happen
<Sean_McG> have a configure line I can check that on Linux with? it should be OS-agnostic
<Sean_McG> OK yes, can confirm that fate-filter-fps-cfr fails on Linux as well with --disable-x86asm, so go ahead and open a bug ticket
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<Sean_McG> the non-CFR version of that test fails as well
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<vipyne1> Sean_McG: copy that
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<Sean_McG> remind me to never install Debian sid again -- some package I updated yesterday broken NetworkManager and git. BLEH.
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<Sean_McG> looks like libcurl
<vipyne1> ok, silly q about bug reports- "Only send bug reports there if you also intend to provide a fix." I'm not confident I am currently able to provide a fix for the borked-with-disable-x86asm test. also… I must be missing something because I can't seem to register (yes, this is my first bug report).
<Sean_McG> ouch, who wrote that
<Daemon404> where is that written? that can't be right for trac
<Sean_McG> ^
<Daemon404> ok found it... that's referring to the developer mailing list
<Daemon404> vipyne1, you want https://trac.ffmpeg.org/
<vipyne1> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/register is where I am stuck
<Daemon404> at the anti-spam thing?
<vipyne1> yeah, srsly I must be doing something silly wrong, bc I can't find where to actually submit something :(
<Sean_McG> fill in the answers to the anti-spam check and then you'll get to the main Trac instance
<Daemon404> need to register an account, log in, and then you can
<Sean_McG> (it's unfortunate we had to do this, but we really were getting a lot of ticket spam)
<vipyne1> unless… do birds have more than two wings? or is the answer "birds aren't real"
* Sean_McG laughs
<vipyne1> I get 404 when I try to register
<Sean_McG> oh, ouch
<Sean_McG> it works for me, I just tried
<Daemon404> the actual registration, or the spam stuff?
<Daemon404> worrying if it's the former
<vipyne1> what is the "Project name (in lower case)" ?
<Sean_McG> ffmpeg
<vipyne1> Daemon404 the Antispam check
<vipyne1> LOL
<Sean_McG> OK, wandering away for lunch.
<Daemon404> ffmpeg/two works for me.
<vipyne1> `ffmpeg` was _not_ an obvious answer to me. at all. maybe that's fine since it's antispam check
<Sean_McG> that antispam check will be useless when AI spam bots are a thing
<Daemon404> they already are
<Sean_McG> yikes.
<Daemon404> just that nobody is targetting obscure trac plugins
<Sean_McG> anyways, back later
<vipyne1> thank y'all!
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<cone-489> ffmpeg Niklas Haas master:da80ee21ca91: tests/fate: force MPEG range for rawvideo tests
<cone-489> ffmpeg Niklas Haas master:ca77fc21774d: avfilter: fix YUV colorspace negotiation for YUVJ
<ePirat> Sean_McG, Daemon404, thought about doing something like that for VideoLAN GitLab
<ePirat> but I wasnt sure if it would be effective at all
<Sean_McG> I suspect within 2 years they'll be totally useless
<Sean_McG> which will suck
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<Lynne> gitlab has popup "are you sure?" menus with animations
<Lynne> next version better have wobbly windows and cube rotation animations, and aero/glass effects
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<cone-870> ffmpeg Marvin Scholz master:c6ab95d009f0: lavfi/vf_ssim360: use av_err2str to simplify code
<cone-870> ffmpeg Marvin Scholz master:bbde886b6373: lavfi/vf_ssim360: fix variable shadowing
<cone-870> ffmpeg Marvin Scholz master:990b80c004ba: fftools/ffmpeg_opt: fix variable shadowing
<cone-870> ffmpeg Marvin Scholz master:4c6d07dd2865: fftools/cmdutils: fix variable shadowing
<cone-870> ffmpeg Marvin Scholz master:29d7ed089eb3: lavfi/vf_psnr: use av_err2str to simplify code
<cone-870> ffmpeg Marvin Scholz master:e93f20c0173d: lavfi/vf_vmafmotion: use av_err2str to simplify code
<cone-870> ffmpeg Marvin Scholz master:bd3038b28c26: lavfi/vf_vmafmotion: fix variable shadowing
<cone-870> ffmpeg Marvin Scholz master:3f8061afe863: lavfi/vf_ssim: use av_err2str to simplify code
<cone-870> ffmpeg Marvin Scholz master:59244a0c50b6: lavfi/vf_ssim: narrow variable scopes
<cone-870> ffmpeg Marvin Scholz master:8fac5beaf817: lavfi/f_metadata: use av_err2str to simplify code
<cone-870> ffmpeg Marvin Scholz master:e7126d96489b: lavfi/vf_signature: use av_err2str to simplify code
<cone-870> ffmpeg Marvin Scholz master:24711b00c687: avformat/network: use av_err2str to simplify code
<cone-870> ffmpeg Marvin Scholz master:074bf9faf7a0: avformat/crypto: fix variable shadowing
<cone-870> ffmpeg Marvin Scholz master:5dfc547f257a: avutil/file: use av_err2str to simplify code
<cone-870> ffmpeg Marvin Scholz master:0c84b977a9ec: avdevice/jack: use av_err2str to simplify code
<cone-870> ffmpeg Marvin Scholz master:bb91425eb89a: fftools/ffmpeg_mux_init: remove unused variable
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