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<Lynne> llyyr: fixed, thanks
<cone-292> ffmpeg Lynne master:32d47166c84d: hwcontext_vulkan: fix p->img_qfs
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<cone-292> ffmpeg Lynne master:8875da347a54: hwcontext_vulkan: consider encode DBPs as always independent
<llyyr> nice
<llyyr> yeah works, thanks for the quick fix
<Lynne> also lol, on amd, hevc_vaapi pads the image height by 8 pixels but doesn't crop it out
<Lynne> how has anyone used it up until now!?!
<Lynne> vulkan doesn't
<JEEB> the encoder, right?
<JEEB> since hwaccel I've utilized quite often on AMD VAAPI, but encoding much less so
<Lynne> yup, the encoder
<JEEB> yea, wouldn't be surprised if there was a bunch of unexpected whoops with various resolutions etc there
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<llyyr> hardware encoding is used most often when trying to stream, otherwise you'd just do cpu encoding instead. and most streaming sites only want h264 and nothing else, so I guess that's why it's underutilized
<JEEB> yea
<JEEB> private streaming to modern mobile devices etc could utilize HEVC, but then there's some which don't support it and thus H.264 ends up being the safer default for such things :D
<llyyr> seems like it's fixed already but needs a ffmpeg patch to be merged? https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/28280
<JEEB> ah so there is a new surface alignment information interface in VAAPI (well, maybe at this point a bit older as 1.21.0 is listed)
<galad> the mailing-list if full of abandoned amd hardware encoders patches
<galad> *is
<llyyr> that patch doesn't come from amd, as far as I see they just fixed it on mesa side and didn't send patches to gstreamer/ffmpeg
<Lynne> that's not the right way of fixing it
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<cone-701> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:0c9fe2b23268: fftools/cmdutils: extend stream specifiers to match by disposition
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<cone-388> ffmpeg Marvin Scholz master:910bf33879ec: configure: fix symbol prefix detection
<cone-388> ffmpeg Marvin Scholz master:7091da712943: configure: correctly set sanitizer toolchain compilers
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<Marth64> > fftools/cmdutils: extend stream specifiers to match by disposition
<Marth64> very nice
<Marth64> is there matching by title?
<Marth64> metadata value rather
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<cone-186> ffmpeg Tomas Härdin master:8f2ba4333dcb: lavf/mxfdec: Switch to mxf_metadata_read_table loop to FF_ARRAY_ELEMS, skip if read == NULL
<cone-186> ffmpeg Tomas Härdin master:665bf46ac247: lavf/mxfdec: Handle KLV fill
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