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<thefossguy> Now that B has been "split" into multiple instructions, what would `rv64gc` expand to, according to the newest extension names?
<thefossguy> B is just an example but you know what I mean
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<davidlt[m]> Didn't check, but it should be the same.
<thefossguy> imafdc?
<davidlt[m]> Yes + a couple more that got defined later on.
<thefossguy> I thought the zc* were included under g
<davidlt[m]> Definitions of RV64G depends on RISCV spec version.
<davidlt[m]> CSR and fense.
<thefossguy> Ah thanks. I’ll look there :) 
<davidlt[m]> Those extensions got defined separately (out of I extension) and thus it changed how RV64G looks like.
<davidlt[m]> Note that actually nothing really changed.
<davidlt[m]> RVB profiles are a lot more minimal, and most stuff optional.
<davidlt[m]> RVA is the main application process. That's what you get on desktop, server, phone, etc.
<davidlt[m]> That's where majority of OS support targets.
<davidlt[m]> The trajectory of RVA is that it keeps expanding, and more stuff is mandatory, very few things are optional.
<davidlt[m]> Not everyone likes that, as it basically doesn't scale.
<davidlt[m]> So RVB reduces mandatory stuff, and then gives a lot more optional extensions.
<thefossguy> Gotcha. Thanks:) 
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<foxtran> Finally, I have a 44 Mb compressed Fedora-38 image for chroot
<foxtran> It works fine on my Star64 :)
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<davidlt[m]> Stewart Addison: Hi! 👋
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<StewartAddison[m> Hi davidlt - I figured it was about time I started looking at what was going on here in more detail given I have a few boards kicking around. Hopefully I can get onto something useful.
<StewartAddison[m> For those who don't yet know me I work at Red Hat for the Adoptium (openjdk/java) and Node.js projects.
<rwmjones> hi StewartAddison[m
<rwmjones> I don't know the status of node.js in Fedora (or even much about it)
<rwmjones> what's the "base" package called?
<rwmjones> oh that's dead.package
<rwmjones> also does that include a js JIT, or have a preferred one?
<StewartAddison[m> Node.js uses V8 (Chrome's javascript engine) as the runtime. As far as I'm aware it's optimised. Certainly seems to run fairly well on my little D1 board (Running a basic web server that connects to a MySQL also running on the board)
<rwmjones> v8-314
<rwmjones> oh ,no builds
<rwmjones> not sure, david will know more about this
<StewartAddison[m> It's normally statically linked in (Node takes the V8 code and stores it in their codebase so they can control updates and float patches)
<StewartAddison[m> The nodejs20 package I pulled down seemed to identify as v19.9.0 so there will be some work there I think
<rwmjones> so one thing about this project is we're not pioneering new content for Fedora
<rwmjones> ideally we just rebuild what's already in fedora
<StewartAddison[m> https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/nodejs20 looks ok but that's not the one that my RISC-V image pulled down ;-)
<StewartAddison[m> Yep that's completely reasonable
<rwmjones> less ideally we tweak it as necessary and feed the patches back towards fedora or upstream
<rwmjones> I'm a PP in Fedora so I can take our patches to spec files etc and feed them into Fedora
<rwmjones> for patches for the sources, those go upstream as usual
<StewartAddison[m> Yep and since I'm a committer on node.js that will be easy enough to achieve too ;-)
<rwmjones> I have this file called /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-riscv-koji.repo ...
<StewartAddison[m> (But I don't anticipate any issues there - we already build it in the Node CI - it's just not yet an "official" platform)
StewartAddison[m is now known as sxa[m]
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<sxa[m]> Using those repos also gives me node 19 (albeit one version earlier than I had previously) :-) And yeah V8 is statically linked into those as I expected.... (full message at <https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/libera.chat/2aaec1f04652ee53872a8a1df36c144d5b0c7b65>)
<davidlt[m]> Yeah, we have it, but I didn't update it yet I Fedora 38.
<davidlt[m]> Should take just a few minutes looking at the spec, etc, to submit an update.
<sxa[m]> If there's a way I can help with that as a learning exercise let me know
<davidlt[m]> Just I am not a computer right now, and there is a long build queue in Koji right now.
<davidlt[m]> Yeah, I wrote you an email.
<davidlt[m]> Basically, send me your information, and I will create the account for you.
<davidlt[m]> Then, I can give a brief intro on how we do things, and you can take it over.
<sxa[m]> Doesn't look like I've received an email from you yet, but once it comes through I'll get you what you need :-)
<davidlt[m]> Huh, maybe I closed my laptop too fast 😕
<sxa[m]> Haha - I've done that before
<davidlt[m]> Yeah, I don't see it in Sent emails on a phone.
<sxa[m]> No hurry - getting to the end of my day here anyway (I'm in the UK)
<davidlt[m]> Sorry about that, found it in Drafts. Sent it now.
<sxa[m]> Received :-)
<davidlt[m]> Basically, the packages you are interested in I deliberately haven't looked at yet. Low in the list of things.
<davidlt[m]> I did improve Java package coverage recently. That's the only thing I did.
<davidlt[m]> That was blocking a bunch of other things.
<davidlt[m]> Updating it all should be relatively easy.
<davidlt[m]> For JDK17, there is WIP backport riscv backend.
<davidlt[m]> We definitely want to incl. that, but I got a hint it's not ready yet.
<davidlt[m]> You might know better.
<sxa[m]> Yeah still relatively new but the port is there as you say - I'm just not sure what the quality of it's like yet (i.e. how much testing it's had). 20/21 seem OK at the moment though
<davidlt[m]> Yeah, I am waiting for Ludovic for a green light.
<davidlt[m]> Damn , 🧠 doesn't work already.
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