jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.7 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
<serpente> matrix
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<cruxbridge> <tim> after todays gcc update this script may come in handy https://crux.nu/rpaste/HOQtjHZ2.sh run with -l or -r to either list or rebuild the ports it finds
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<SiFuh_> zorz: If you read the bible, it was mostly about humans
<SiFuh_> I think this defines what you said about the woman above being the way she is. ;-)
<lavaball> wrong channel
<SiFuh_> Oops
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<blackfrog78> Hi! i noticed something strange on my CRUX installation: If I login as root on a tty (not X) the login is shown by "who" command, but not by "last" command. In fact "last" does not list any root login since installation a year ago but I login regularly as root to apply updates.
<darfo> "last" stopped showing ttyX root lognins after May 9, 2024 for me.
<darfo> my CRUX PVR that is 3.7 hasn't been updated since Dec. 2022. It is showing all root ttyX logins in "last".
<blackfrog78> I tried logging in with a non root login on a tty. The login ist shown by "who" but not by "last". So it is not something about root login, but about tty login.
<cruxbridge> <tim> https://git.crux.nu/ports/core/commit/515cade6c9410d75b1800b5a02a5f8744029d734 sounds close to this change. Have you rebuilt things that are looking for now missing la files that was triggered by this change?
<cruxbridge> <tim> just a wild guess tho, it works on my system it seems
<darfo> blackfrog78: same here. I never knew my "last" results go back to 2010 (from last --time-format=full
<cruxbridge> <tim> oh, just root logins? that I can replicate :D
<blackfrog78> It seems all tty logins are not recorded on my system. If I login with slim into X it shows up in "last". I did not notice .la files missing.
<darfo> I'm using util-linux 2.40.1
<cruxbridge> <tim> I think it won't provoke runtime issues, it was just a guess. But it must still be something with util-linux then, maybe checking upstream for a bugreport makes sense
<blackfrog78> I looked into /var/log/wtmp file with "utmpdump" command. It seems tty logins are not in the file. Also If I run strings command on /var/log/wtmp "root" does not show up. I think it's not recorded at all. Could this be kernel issue or a pam issue?
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<ukky> `last` shows root logins on my CRUX system, which has no pam installed.
<blackfrog78> I might have found the reason: /bin/login relies on pam_lastlog to write a /var/log/wtmp entry. But there is only pam_lastlog2 available which does not write a wtmp entry. I digged through the sources of both :-/
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