jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.7 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<stratofall> shared-mime-info fails because of the footprint. I removed the footprint and signature to get it installed.
<cruxbridge> <tim> Care to share what exactly is the error for you?
<stratofall> The log is gone now. However, when it compiled it it would fail right at the package creation with a lot of MISSING and NEW permissions on the files.
<cruxbridge> <tim> Yeah, ok, I can reproduce the error, interesting.. I'll check it out later, thanks for noticing
<stratofall> np, thank you
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<stratofall> Looks like another package has an issue. This one might be a source related issue. xdg-user-dirs. https://pastebin.com/nZDhbnGv
<stratofall> Must be bug hunting day. Sorry....
<stratofall> appstream fails to build missing vala as a dependency. However, it is listed as optional. Once vala is compiled appstream will not list it as MISSING.
<stratofall> gtk4 requires shaderc as a dependency. It's not listed in the Pkgfile. gtk4 fails to build without it.
<stratofall> I suppose I should file all these not here in irc. :( sorry
<cruxbridge> <tim> would certainly help to keep an overview, yeah
<stratofall> I am just going through a fresh install on one of my machines. Seems steam is pulling down wayland and stuff. Would the prefered way to report these be on the git.crux.nu/ports/contrib/issues/ ?
<cruxbridge> <tim> contrib stuff in contrib, opt stuff in opt, etc. feel free to tag the respective maintainer as well
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<stratofall> kk
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<r0ni> no one mentioned plasma 6 had an official WIP ports tree
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<jaeger> It's fairly new and in testing but you're welcome to test it
<stratofall> I just logged in. Was making my first one. Looking at how to tag on it.
<r0ni> jaeger: well thank you ;)
<stratofall> I hate to ask. I put a new issue in the contrib section in gitea. I'm unsure how to do any tags of any sort. I just don't see the options anywhere. Is the way I submitted it proper?
<stratofall> Trying to teach myself to use it and reading gitea's site.
<cruxbridge> <tim> i mean, it's an opt port for starters so contrib is sub optimal, but don't worry. you should see a panel on the right where it actually says "Tags", "Milestone", "Assignee" where you should be able to add stuff to it
<cruxbridge> <tim> tagging an assignee (the person that maintains a port) with your issue has the effect that the maintainer will get an email about it, no idea if they get an email with just any ticket
<cruxbridge> <tim> I tagged myself, so it should be easy to find for you once you refresh the page
<stratofall> Yeah, I can't edit those, hmm ... No selection box and can't type in them. And yeah, I didn't double check the repo when I did that one.
<cruxbridge> <tim> ah, maybe a setting in the repository then. I'll have to look into it, thanks again for the notice. I first have a few things I need to do in the household, so I'll be back later
<stratofall> I'm in no rush. I just want to do it right.
<stratofall> My kids are awake now too. And I've been buisy with them as well.
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