jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.7 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<ppetrov^> hi guys, is this maintained: http://jaydolan.com/tmp/jaydolan/pkgsync.html
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<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: tcsh: updated to version 6.24.13
<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: squid: updated to version 6.10
<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: poppler: updated to version 24.06.1
<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: nsd: updated to version 4.10.0
<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: libxml2: updated to version 2.13.0
<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: cups: updated to version 2.4.9
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<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: mod_php: updated to version 8.3.8
<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: php-zip: updated to version 8.3.8
<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: php-sqlite3: updated to version 8.3.8
<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: php-sockets: updated to version 8.3.8
<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: php-mysql: updated to version 8.3.8
<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: php-mbstring: updated to version 8.3.8
<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: php-gettext: updated to version 8.3.8
<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: php-gd: updated to version 8.3.8
<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: php-ftp: updated to version 8.3.8
<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: php-fpm: updated to version 8.3.8
<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: php-fcgi: updated to version 8.3.8
<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: php: updated to version 8.3.8
<cruxbot> [xorg/3.7]: mesa: updated to version 24.0.9
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<cruxbridge> <tim> ppetrov^: i wouldn't expect it. if you browse http://jaydolan.com/tmp/jaydolan/ you see the last timestamp of mentioning it is 2004.
<ppetrov^> well.. i was going through the wiki and it caught my attention
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