jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.7 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<ppetrov^> farkuhar, have you seen these: https://github.com/turquoise-hexagon/prtutils
<ppetrov^> ever considered to add some of them to PrtUtils?
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<farkuhar> ppetrov^: thanks for sharing. Are you using any of these scripts yourself? There seems to be some overlap between onodera's scripts and the ones you already adopted for maintaining your own repo.
<ppetrov^> nope, i have not used any of catgirl's stuff. I just found these some time ago and today had some time to read what each should do
<SiFuh> Oooohhh catgirl. Some good stuff there
<SiFuh> I was perusing through his/her content last year. Some neat stuff
<ppetrov^> yep and it's a pity her stuff is not on portdb
<SiFuh> Is it a pity though? Freedom is a good choice to be honest
<SiFuh> And it is full available for anyone to use it
<ppetrov^> pffff,... well, I like things to be centralized and easy to find. That's the only reason I joined portdb. Otherwise, trust me, my ports were organized better
<ppetrov^> so ye, when it comes to ease to search, it's a pity. May be there are hundreds of CRUX ports repos at github/gitlab with useful stff that we do not know about simply because we don't know where to look
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: I do agree. But I prefer the user to not be enslaved by the dictates over others.
<ppetrov^> you are righ of course about that
<SiFuh> I'd like catgirls stuff introduced to CRUX portdb
<ppetrov^> yep
<SiFuh> Maybe catgirl doesn't want it though
<ppetrov^> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<SiFuh> Maybe a reach out and a request?
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Like emmett1's pkgutils in shell script
<SiFuh> But yes, there is a shit load of CRUX stuff out there that isn't centralized into a single location.
<ppetrov^> hmm,... someone commented about similar stuff on my blog. Was it emmett1 himself?
<ppetrov^> i'd be honoured
<SiFuh> He's a nice guy. Still refuses to join me on a jungle trip
<ppetrov^> heh
<ppetrov^> jungle
<SiFuh> He lives like a 2 hour drive from me
<SiFuh> In the second largest jungle state in the west
<ppetrov^> at least go have a beer together
<SiFuh> No, he is a devout Muslim
<SiFuh> I go jungle with Muslims. We don't go alone. But emmett1 is strictly true to his beliefs. So he will have no issues joining us. But no way will he touch a beer
<SiFuh> Isn't catgirl French? (I think so but I can't vouch for it). Anyway able to contact catgirl and ask?
<SiFuh> Anyway/anyone*
<SiFuh> Maybe catgirl has no issues of joing portdb
<SiFuh> of joing/with joining*
<ppetrov^> well, ask her
<SiFuh> Not me, but I do like catgirls work
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<SiFuh> preteens is here.
<SiFuh> I mean serpente
<serpente> fock off
<SiFuh> :-P
<SiFuh> serpente: You discriminating me because of intentional Dyslexia?
<serpente> yes
<serpente> HAHA
<SiFuh> Ooooohhh did I coin the phrase 'intentional Dyslexia'?
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