jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.7 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
<lennox> wheres the matrix channel if you dont mind linking?
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<cruxbridge> <tim> lennox: #crux:crux.nu
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<GazL> Good Afternoon folks.
<GazL> The latest util-linux pkgbuild appears not to create a libuuid.la file, which causes the new imagemagick build to fail on my system
<GazL> There's approx a dozen other .la files on my system that reference it as a dep, so I'm expecting further issues down the line.
<ppetrov^> seems baguette got really pissed with the la shit and decided to clean them up once and for all
<ppetrov^> farkuhar, here gave me a hint about how to modify /etc/pkgadd.conf not install these at all, but I do not remember
<ppetrov^> GazL, for CRUX 3.6.1 we had some spectacular breakage when freetype got rid of the la stuff
<GazL> Slackware decided to strip .la files from all the system libraries as a matter of course during packaging to avoid this nonsense. Perhaps that's somethign CRUX devs might consider?
<ppetrov^> GazL, ask in crux-devel :P
<farkuhar> GazL: missing *.la files is the expected result of switching the util-linux build system from autotools to meson. The devs usually recommend identifying the broken ports with 'grep -lr libuuid.la /usr/lib' and 'pkginfo -o', then rebuilding all of them.
<GazL> Understood farkuhar, but I think I'll just remove all the .la files and get rid of this useless libtool complication. As I said, slackware doesn't even bother shipping them any more and it seems to work well over there.
<GazL> Ok, I've just removed them all. Now I just need to go patch pkgmk to add a remove_lafiles function to keep it tidy.
<GazL> Thanks for the suggestions guys.
<r0ni> i just rm all the .la files locally and it fixes most of those issues i come across... tho tbh it should be part of the pkgfile, but sometimes is missed (I'm guilty of this as well)
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<SiFuh> GazL: /etc/pkgadd.conf INSTALL ^usr/lib/.*\.la$ NO This is my favorite option. Rejects all .la files
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: ^
<r0ni> nice
<SiFuh> r0ni: farkuhar brought it up in #crux-social. I think it was from emmett1's Venom Linux
<r0ni> i've gone thru the repos before but never installed the actual distro, stole a few pkgfile's no doubt
<GazL> SiFuh: Oh, neat trick! Thanks.
<GazL> I'm still gonna patch a PKGMK_REMOVE_LAFILES option into pkgmk though. It's a simple enough patch. Obviously I'll end up getting footprint mismatches, but then that's not really unusual.
<SiFuh> r0ni: I have never installed the distro even though he's a friend of mine and lives in the next state.
<SiFuh> GazL: The 'neat trick' doesn't footprint mismatch and basically filters them out and rejects them. Heaps easier
<GazL> Sifuk: So what happens when you do a rejmerge? Do you just hit 'k' for them all?
<SiFuh> *.la has nothing to do with rejmerge
<GazL> I know, but the .la files will go to /var/lib/pkg/rejected/ if you specify NO in pkgadd.conf won't they?
<SiFuh> I have seen many rejected and there are none located there
<GazL> Ahh, Ok, I'll have to investigate that then.
<SiFuh> Should be only for text files /var/lib/pkg/rejected/etc/
<farkuhar> GazL: /var/lib/pkg/rejected gets populated by files that match an UPGRADE NO rule, not an INSTALL NO rule. The latter files make up the "non-install list" rather than the "keep list" (search the pkgadd.cc source code for those terms).
<farkuhar> You can get more verbose reporting by recompiling pkgutils without the -DNDEBUG in CXXFLAGS. Then pkgadd will print to stderr the entire conflicting files list, non-install list, and (during upgrade operations) keep list.
<GazL> farkuhar: Thankyou, that makes it much clearer.
<ppetrov^> thanks SiFuh and farkuhar
<GazL> Guys, are the patterns in pkgadd.conf basic or extended regex?
<GazL> nevermind. they 'extended'. found out by trial and error.
<ukky> GazL: man regcomp, with cflags REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB
<GazL> thankyou.
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<serpente> i have a question about Orphaned Ports that have been dropped, any intention in getting than back in? I've being maitaining some of them for months now.
<serpente> *them*
<ppetrov^> same here, serpente
<cruxbridge> <tim> there is no active desire to get them back, otherwise, one of the maintainers would've done so. if you want them and maintain them yourself, that's great.
<cruxbridge> <tim> lennox: btw, there is a whole space that bridges the IRC channels on matrix. Since you joined the room, maybe you want the space as well: #crux-space:crux.nu (https://matrix.to/#/#crux-space:crux.nu)
<cruxbridge> <tim> I really need to document it.. I'm sure I'll do it sometime in the future :)
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<sajcho> Hi guys. I updated gcc to version 14.1.0. Now I will recompile the installed ports. I wonder what will happen. https://github.com/sajcho
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<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: chktex: 1.7.8 -> 1.7.9
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: fzf: 0.51.0 -> 0.52.0
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: python3-blinker: 1.8.1 -> 1.8.2
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: python3-frozendict: 2.4.3 -> 2.4.4
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: tpm2-tss: 4.1.0 -> 4.1.1
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: zjstatus: 0.14.0 -> 0.14.1
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<cruxbridge> <lennox (@lennox:nope.chat)> tim: thanks sir :)
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