ukky, are you around I looked and there is a qt-5.15.13 after 12 and its not compiling either http://0x0.st/X8WA.log
not sure if same error or not
brian|lfs: it is the same error. C++ compiler triggers an error when it detects keyword 'auto' inside 'template' declaration. I think you need -std=c++17 to do this, but that specific file is compiled with -std=c++14.
ah ok odd
we tried the -std=c++17 the other day
I'm trying 5.15.12 again with -j16 instead of -j128
-j16 will not help
and there is no proof that -std=c++17 was actually accepted and used when compiling that file
really it just finished compiling lol
only thing that changed was I installed pciutils lol
and compiled manually not with pkgmk or prt-get
bin/ld: cannot find -lqmapboxgl: No such file or directory
weird trying make install as root not sudo