r0ni: I also hit an error trying to build GPartEd 1.5 (back when it was not yet marked unmaintained). Comparing the source trees of versions 1.4 and 1.5, I suspect it has to do with their massive overhaul of the internationalization macros, but I didn't dig deeper to confirm.
ya i didn't dig any deeper either, but i did find it odd and noted it. just was in the middle of xfce things and didn't want to get into it then lol
judging by the GPartEd build recipes that you'll find for Arch, Gentoo, and Void, there doesn't appear to be any trickery involved in getting 1.5 to compile. But CRUX deviates from those distros in its attitude to NLS, which is why I thought the internationalization code in GPartEd might be the issue here. Recursive diff on the 1.4, 1.5 source trees made that guess more plausible.
ya i never had issues elsewhere building it with basically the same tools, it could very well be nls related in that case
i do know the actual docs use webkitgtk
could be another issue
huh i just build 1.5
which configure args did you use?
removed the disable-doc, nls, and dep tracking and it built
have to manually remove the /usr/share/{docs,locale} then in pkg
weird that it was such a simple fix. But I'm glad you were inspired to try that combination.
heh just caught me at the right moment
well now that you're listed in the portdb, feel free to add gparted to your repo.
hrm i may make a secondary repo as well, as gparted really has nothing to do with xfce
outside of being gtk based
i have a private repo tho, once i have time to clean it up i'll add gparted and have it added as well
I wonder if it's worthwhile to file a bug report upstream, letting them know the side effects of the configure args disable-doc, nls, and dep tracking.
i wonder exactly which one kills it
more tests incoming lol
or maybe that side effect only manifests itself on CRUX, and upstream won't be interested in patching it.
i know slackware builds with --disable-docs so it likely not that one
yep that builds
yep it's nls
great, thanks for testing.
it would be nice to know whether --disable-nls has the same side effect on other distros. If not, there's probably no sense in filing an upstream bug report.
also in order for gparted to work in xfce, once needs 'polkit-gnome' and 'pinentry-gtk' installed (from my repo) or works with sudo likely
oh and "rm -rf $PKG/usr/share/{help,locale}
i see its just removing locale dir
and yep, it fails on slackware as well with --disable-nls
my test build succeeded without creating /usr/share/help, that's why the Pkgfile only removes the locale dir. But if usr/share/help gets created on someone else's system, that's what PKGMK_IGNORE_NEW is for.
fair enough. it likely has something to do with gtk-doc being installed locally
if i had to guess
but you make a good point about runtime dependencies. I should probably add those to the "Optional:" line.