jaeger changed the topic of #crux-arm to: CRUX-ARM 3.6 Released! - http://crux-arm.nu/Documentation/ReleaseNotes3-6 | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux-arm/
sajcho has joined #crux-arm
<sajcho> Try using clang instead of gcc. It will solve your problem with nss-3.90. Example https://github.com/sajcho/opt-x86_64/blob/main/nss/Pkgfile
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<r0ni> trying to build firefox 114.0.2, one would assume since 114.0.1 built and runs .2 would as well... that would be a false statement
<r0ni> clearing ccache and trying again
<r0ni> sajcho: I'll look at the clang thing, I hadn't thought of that actually
<r0ni> it is using clang, now i'm curious if removing that would let it build
<r0ni> oh wait, thats my local one using clang, the port isn't, i'll add it and try it
<r0ni> huh welp nss 3.90 worked just fine with clang
<r0ni> excellent
sajcho has joined #crux-arm
<sajcho> I'm glad it helped. Enjoy.
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guido_rokepo has joined #crux-arm
<pitillo> r0ni: can you provide a diff for mesa Pkgfile? I'd like to take a look
<beerman> pitillo its probably added to the array of gallium-drivers
<pitillo> that's what I would like to check... if that's the only change or if there is something else needed
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